1 00:00:17,760 --> 00:00:29,760 《地球脉动2》 第一季 第六集 2 00:00:35,840 --> 00:00:38,250 在过去的六千年 英语解说 大卫·爱登堡 In the last 6,000 years 3 00:00:38,380 --> 00:00:42,720 地球的表面发生了突然的变化 the surface of our planet has undergone a sudden change. 4 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:49,140 一个新的栖息地已经出现 A new habitat has appeared, 5 00:00:49,260 --> 00:00:54,930 完全人为设计和建造的这个景观 entirely designed and constructed by one species for its own purpose. 6 00:00:57,650 --> 00:01:02,480 也许会对动物的生命造成威胁 This man-made landscape may seem alien to animal life 7 00:01:02,610 --> 00:01:08,070 但对于勇者来说 这是一个充满奇妙机遇的世界 but for the bold, this is a world of surprising opportunity. 8 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:18,120 城市 9 00:01:23,730 --> 00:01:25,730 印度焦特布尔市 Jodhpur, India. 10 00:01:32,320 --> 00:01:34,990 一群单身的雄性长尾叶猴 A gang of bachelor male langurs 11 00:01:35,080 --> 00:01:38,790 前来挑战这块领地的雄性首领 has come to challenge the resident alpha male. 12 00:01:45,330 --> 00:01:49,550 他统治着这片珍贵的城市领土 This alpha rules over a valuable urban territory. 13 00:01:54,220 --> 00:01:58,260 但维护权威是一场长期的斗争 But maintaining dominance here is a constant struggle. 14 00:02:04,600 --> 00:02:08,270 单身雄猴们联合起来试图推翻猴王 The bachelors have united to try and overthrow him. 15 00:02:16,070 --> 00:02:18,740 如果他们胜利了 其中一位挑战者 If they win, one of the challengers 16 00:02:18,820 --> 00:02:21,830 将继承猴王的后宫 will take over the alpha's troop of females, 17 00:02:22,950 --> 00:02:25,250 并杀死他的幼崽 and may kill his infants. 18 00:02:29,290 --> 00:02:32,130 这个单身猴群里有十五只公猴 There are 15 males in this bachelor group. 19 00:02:34,090 --> 00:02:38,340 猴王必须把他们全部逐出自己的领地 The alpha must evict every single one of them from his territory. 20 00:02:53,770 --> 00:02:56,360 他已经赶走了半数挑战者 He has chased half the bachelors away, 21 00:02:57,980 --> 00:03:00,060 但有一支小分队折了回来 but a splinter group has looped back 22 00:03:00,060 --> 00:03:02,400 正在骚扰他的母猴们 and is harassing his females. 23 00:03:07,410 --> 00:03:09,660 他不得不再次加入战斗 Once again, he has to battle. 24 00:03:47,110 --> 00:03:50,450 终于赶走了所有来犯者 Finally, he manages to expel them all. 25 00:03:54,490 --> 00:03:56,870 他凯旋而归 He returns home victorious, 26 00:03:56,950 --> 00:03:59,870 但右腿受了重伤 but with a serious wound on his right leg. 27 00:04:06,250 --> 00:04:08,840 对他而言 城市生活布满荆棘 It's a hard life for him in the city. 28 00:04:10,170 --> 00:04:13,630 每天都上演着入侵驱逐战 Keeping the intruders away is a daily challenge. 29 00:04:18,720 --> 00:04:20,180 但一切都值得 But it's worth it. 30 00:04:21,310 --> 00:04:23,020 对长尾叶猴来说 For these urban territories 31 00:04:23,100 --> 00:04:26,730 这边城区也许是世上最优良的栖息地 are probably the best langur territories in the world. 32 00:04:28,570 --> 00:04:31,360 因为遍地都是觅食场 They're filled with rich feeding grounds. 33 00:04:38,950 --> 00:04:41,080 在这些寺院花园中 Here in the temple gardens, 34 00:04:41,160 --> 00:04:45,750 几百年来 长尾叶猴与人类建立了一种奇妙的关系 the langurs have, over centuries, developed a surprising relationship. 35 00:04:50,710 --> 00:04:55,590 这层关系为猴群提供了源源不断的食物 One that guarantee's them a constantly replenished source of food. 36 00:05:12,400 --> 00:05:17,440 当地人将长尾叶猴视为印度教中猴神哈奴曼的化身 The people here associate langurs with the Hindu God, Lord Hanuman, 37 00:05:17,980 --> 00:05:19,490 对他们毕恭毕敬 and revere them. 38 00:05:26,370 --> 00:05:28,910 珍馐佳肴 应有尽有 They're given all the food they can eat. 39 00:05:41,460 --> 00:05:46,340 优质饮食带来了生育高峰 And this high-energy diet has led to a baby boom. 40 00:05:50,850 --> 00:05:53,270 城市里雌性长尾叶猴的生育率 Female langurs in this city 41 00:05:53,350 --> 00:05:57,690 是森林中同类的两倍 give birth to twice as many young as their forest counterparts. 42 00:05:59,610 --> 00:06:02,860 这只母猴伙食很好 奶水充足到 This mother is so well fed that her rich milk 43 00:06:02,940 --> 00:06:06,150 能养育起野外极其罕见的小生命 can support something rarely seen in the wild. 44 00:06:07,030 --> 00:06:08,240 双胞胎 Twins. 45 00:06:13,660 --> 00:06:16,790 这些幼崽聚集成群 And all these babies can create troops 46 00:06:16,870 --> 00:06:20,750 队伍比周边森林里的要大得多 that are far larger than those found in the forests nearby. 47 00:06:22,460 --> 00:06:26,840 觅食时间缩短 使得他们有更多时间可以玩耍 With less time spent looking for food,there is more time for play. 48 00:06:39,020 --> 00:06:42,390 生活在城市中好处良多 The rewards of living in a city can be huge. 49 00:06:43,270 --> 00:06:45,850 难的是如何寻找自己的一席之地 The challenge is to find your niche. 50 00:06:49,050 --> 00:06:53,720 这样一个世界 并不是专为野生动物的 But how to create a home in a world that wasn't designed for wildlife? 51 00:06:57,890 --> 00:07:03,310 灯光 声音和忙碌超过任何地方的自然世界 It's far brighter, louder and busier than anywhere in the natural world. 52 00:07:04,770 --> 00:07:08,860 持续的交通造成了动物运动的障碍 The continuous traffic creates barriers to animal movement. 53 00:07:12,610 --> 00:07:15,320 今后十年 城市面积预计将 And in this decade,the urban environment 54 00:07:15,440 --> 00:07:18,400 扩张约百分之三十 is predicted to grow by nearly 30%. 55 00:07:22,200 --> 00:07:23,830 更重要的是 来这里的 What's more, to come here, 56 00:07:23,950 --> 00:07:27,540 动物必须与世界顶级捕食者竞争 animals have to compete with the world's top predator. 57 00:07:29,960 --> 00:07:32,250 人们建立了这里的规则 People makes the rules here. 58 00:07:41,260 --> 00:07:45,550 四十亿人口现在居住在城市环境中 Four billion human beings now live in the urban environment. 59 00:07:50,640 --> 00:07:54,520 在这里 动物必须抗争最大的变化 It's here that animals have to contend with the greatest change 60 00:07:54,650 --> 00:07:57,730 发生在我们的星球 that is happenning to the face our planet. 61 00:08:00,230 --> 00:08:04,490 所以为什么会有动物想来这里呢 So why would any animal want to come here? 62 00:08:14,350 --> 00:08:16,060 纽约市 New York City. 63 00:08:20,570 --> 00:08:26,280 这座高楼林立的城市 与地球上许多地方一样远离自然 This densely built-up landscape is as unnatural as anywhere on Earth. 64 00:08:31,830 --> 00:08:37,410 而这只游隼正站在高处 俯瞰这座城市 And yet this wild peregrine falcon looks out onto an ideal habitat. 65 00:08:48,220 --> 00:08:52,090 奇怪的是 这片变化巨大的土地 Strange as it may seem, this vastly-altered landscape 66 00:08:52,180 --> 00:08:56,260 竟然重现了游隼进化的生境 replicates the conditions in which peregrines evolved. 67 00:09:02,140 --> 00:09:04,980 高耸的建筑上面有许多平台 The towering buildings have a multitude of ledges 68 00:09:05,060 --> 00:09:07,320 可供游隼筑巢 on which falcons can nest 69 00:09:09,360 --> 00:09:12,860 鸟巢高度也足够他们乘风飞翔 and the high perches that they need to catch the wind. 70 00:09:17,370 --> 00:09:20,080 纽约市的游隼密度 New York City has the highest density 71 00:09:20,160 --> 00:09:24,000 居世界之最 of nesting peregrines anywhere on the planet. 72 00:09:32,090 --> 00:09:35,090 风被摩天大楼阻挡后会向上偏转 Winds striking the sides of the skyscrapers 73 00:09:35,170 --> 00:09:39,140 有利于游隼飞得更高 are deflected upwards and can help the birds gain height. 74 00:09:43,430 --> 00:09:48,100 烈日下大面积的混凝土散发的热量形成上升热气流 And the great areas of concrete roasting in the sun create thermals, 75 00:09:49,230 --> 00:09:53,610 so that, with very little effort, 游隼不费吹灰之力便可以在城市上空翱翔 the birds can soar over the city. 76 00:10:02,660 --> 00:10:05,490 不计其数的游隼定居于此 And so many peregrines can live here, 77 00:10:05,580 --> 00:10:10,790 是因为城市近地面生活着许多猎物 because down at street level, there is a lot of potential prey. 78 00:10:27,760 --> 00:10:30,720 游隼俯冲时的飞行时速 Diving from height, the falcons can reach speeds 79 00:10:30,810 --> 00:10:33,020 超过时速三百二十二公里 of over 200 miles an hour. 80 00:10:39,230 --> 00:10:42,650 但猎物躲在低处 离建筑物很近 But their prey stay down low and close to the buildings. 81 00:10:50,450 --> 00:10:51,700 风险太大了 Too risky. 82 00:10:51,780 --> 00:10:53,990 它停止了俯冲 The peregrine pulls out of his stoop. 83 00:10:57,580 --> 00:10:59,460 但辛苦不会白费 But the effort is not wasted. 84 00:11:00,710 --> 00:11:04,420 游隼需要将猎物驱赶到开阔地带 The falcons need to flush their prey into the open. 85 00:11:06,590 --> 00:11:09,380 曼哈顿四面环水 And Manhattan is surrounded by water. 86 00:11:11,640 --> 00:11:14,680 出城后便可谓胜券在握 Out here the odds change. 87 00:11:14,760 --> 00:11:16,810 正中游隼下怀 And in the peregrine's favour. 88 00:12:10,940 --> 00:12:14,110 一年到头都有着丰富的食物 With abundant prey here all year round, 89 00:12:14,820 --> 00:12:17,440 仅用了四十年 it has taken only 40 years 90 00:12:17,530 --> 00:12:20,200 游隼在此建立栖息地 for these falcons to establish themselves here. 91 00:12:26,290 --> 00:12:29,960 穿梭在摩登大厦中 And now, among skyscrapers, they're more successful 92 00:12:30,040 --> 00:12:33,040 与旷野中的同类相比 它们更胜一筹 than their cousins living in the wilderness. 93 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:46,010 印度孟买人口超过两千万 Mumbai, in India, is home to over 20 million people.. 94 00:12:47,470 --> 00:12:49,140 也生存着许多猎食者 And there are predators here 95 00:12:49,220 --> 00:12:52,980 尽管难得一见 也着实令人胆战心惊 that, though rarely seen, are rightly feared. 96 00:12:58,770 --> 00:12:59,900 食肉动物们 Carnivores, 97 00:12:59,980 --> 00:13:04,070 正向着毫无戒心的猎物 lured by the prospect of plentiful unsuspecting prey 98 00:13:04,150 --> 00:13:05,650 一步步靠近 are on the prowl. 99 00:13:16,290 --> 00:13:17,960 一只金钱豹 A leopard. 100 00:13:19,040 --> 00:13:22,920 在夜色的掩护下 他们每晚都会出来猎食 Every night, under the cover of darkness they come out to hunt. 101 00:13:26,670 --> 00:13:29,130 大型食肉动物需要 These are big animals, 102 00:13:29,220 --> 00:13:33,180 寻找大型猎物才能充饥 and they're looking for large prey to satisfy their hunger. 103 00:13:40,730 --> 00:13:44,820 为了多捕捉一些画面揭示他们的猎食行为 To catch more than a glimpse of them and reveal their hunting behaviour, 104 00:13:44,900 --> 00:13:47,480 我们需要夜视摄像机 you need night-vision cameras. 105 00:13:58,740 --> 00:14:02,370 在过去的二十五年里 Leopards have attacked almost 200 people here 106 00:14:02,460 --> 00:14:04,710 金钱豹袭击过约两百个人 in the last 25 years. 107 00:14:24,770 --> 00:14:27,480 但人类并不是他们日常的捕食对象 But humans are not their usual prey. 108 00:14:29,900 --> 00:14:33,230 这些金钱豹在寻找其他猎物 These leopards are on the hunt for something else. 109 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:53,040 猪 Pigs. 110 00:14:57,090 --> 00:15:00,670 他们更喜欢人类圈养在城市里 These leopards prefer to hunt the domestic animals 111 00:15:00,760 --> 00:15:04,970 数量可观的家畜 that people have brought to the city in considerable numbers. 112 00:15:24,910 --> 00:15:27,320 猪喜欢群居 The pigs keep their family close. 113 00:16:00,900 --> 00:16:04,480 城市里无休止的嘈杂为金钱豹提供了便利 The ceaseless noise of the city plays to their advantage. 114 00:16:05,980 --> 00:16:08,110 掩盖了他们的脚步 It conceals their approach. 115 00:16:09,900 --> 00:16:14,070 金钱豹利用掩护能在全城各地捕猎 And the leopards are using this cover to hunt all over the city. 116 00:16:35,050 --> 00:16:37,680 这个种群日益繁荣 This is a thriving population. 117 00:16:38,140 --> 00:16:41,600 事实上 世界上金钱豹数量最多的地方 In fact, the highest concentration of leopards in the world 118 00:16:42,180 --> 00:16:43,560 就是这里 is right here. 119 00:16:52,610 --> 00:16:57,200 充足的食物并不是吸引野生动物迁入城市的唯一要素 It's not only the abundance of food that attracts wild animals to cities. 120 00:17:05,660 --> 00:17:10,460 城市的气温通常比郊外略高几度 They're usually several degrees warmer than the surrounding countryside. 121 00:17:10,540 --> 00:17:13,460 十二月的罗马 And here in Rome, in Decembe 122 00:17:13,540 --> 00:17:17,760 有一种动物充分利用着这丝温暖 one animal is taking full advantage of this extra heat. 123 00:17:18,550 --> 00:17:20,380 在城市中留下自己的印记 And it's leaving it's mark. 124 00:17:23,600 --> 00:17:25,760 冬季的每一天 In a single winter's day, 125 00:17:25,850 --> 00:17:30,020 都有十吨粪便雨降临这座城市 ten tonnes of its droppings rain down on the city. 126 00:17:37,400 --> 00:17:38,610 欧椋鸟 Starlings. 127 00:17:41,990 --> 00:17:44,860 夜晚 它们在郊外摄食后 In the evening, they come back to the warmth of the city 128 00:17:44,950 --> 00:17:47,700 返回温暖的城市 after feeding in the neighbouring countryside. 129 00:17:50,540 --> 00:17:53,160 它们必须返回栖息地 They must return to their roosting trees. 130 00:17:54,040 --> 00:17:57,250 但第一个回来的最有可能 But the first to do so are at the highest risk 131 00:17:57,330 --> 00:17:59,590 被猛禽袭击 of being caught by birds of prey. 132 00:18:02,630 --> 00:18:05,630 所以它们等候大部队一同抵达 So, they wait for others to arrive. 133 00:18:06,840 --> 00:18:08,720 数量越多就越安全 There's safety in numbers. 134 00:18:11,220 --> 00:18:17,640 天光渐暗 城市上空被数百万只欧椋鸟占据 As daylight fades, the sky fills with a staggering one million starlings. 135 00:18:20,350 --> 00:18:25,780 上演一场蔚然壮观的自然演出 And then follows one of nature's great spectaculars. 136 00:19:08,440 --> 00:19:13,940 它们是如何 又是为何成群起舞 How, or indeed why, they perform these marvellous aerobatics, 137 00:19:14,030 --> 00:19:16,780 至今我们还无法完全理解 we still do not fully understand. 138 00:19:28,120 --> 00:19:31,790 Eventually, en masse,they brave the descent 最终 它们会成群结队地降落 139 00:19:31,880 --> 00:19:35,210 挑选最喜欢的树枝落脚 and fill the branches of their favourite trees. 140 00:19:40,510 --> 00:19:44,100 在这样寒冷的冬夜里 On these cold winter nights, the city's extra warmth 141 00:19:44,180 --> 00:19:47,720 城市的温暖可能事关生死存亡 can mean the difference between life and death. 142 00:20:01,400 --> 00:20:03,530 城市不仅能提供大量食物与庇护所 A city, of course, can provide 143 00:20:03,610 --> 00:20:07,330 还有许多宝藏 not only shelter and abundant food, but glamour. 144 00:20:09,660 --> 00:20:13,120 这些精心挑选的小物件 These varied objects have been carefully chosen 145 00:20:13,210 --> 00:20:17,380 颜色鲜艳 溢彩流光 by a bird for their brightness and their colour. 146 00:20:19,500 --> 00:20:22,800 这只园丁鸟花了十余年时间 This great bowerbird has spent over a decade 147 00:20:22,880 --> 00:20:26,510 收集了这些物品 其中大部分是人造装饰 building this collection of mostly man-made objects. 148 00:20:31,260 --> 00:20:34,140 澳大利亚汤斯维尔市的高尔夫球场上 Out on a golf course in Townsville, Australia, 149 00:20:34,230 --> 00:20:38,400 他正在为这座巨型凉亭做最后的修饰 he's putting the final touches to his enormous bower, 150 00:20:38,480 --> 00:20:41,480 争取能够博得来访雌鸟的青睐 that he hopes will impress a visiting female. 151 00:20:47,740 --> 00:20:52,200 他每天都会花两小时来调整装饰物的布局 He spends two hours each day rearranging his prized objects. 152 00:20:58,910 --> 00:21:02,830 “放在那边可能更好看一点” "Perhaps that would look a little better over there." 153 00:21:05,800 --> 00:21:09,050 可似乎还是差了点什么 But it seems that something is missing. 154 00:21:11,340 --> 00:21:14,590 他没有进城去找新装饰 Instead of going into town to collect new objects, 155 00:21:14,680 --> 00:21:18,140 而是决定抢劫邻居 he's decided to raid his neighbour's bower. 156 00:21:21,230 --> 00:21:23,100 “晾衣夹 太棒了” "A clothes peg! Excellent!" 157 00:21:29,570 --> 00:21:31,690 “还有一辆闪亮的玩具车” "And a shiny toy car." 158 00:21:35,280 --> 00:21:37,620 如果被发现就不好玩了 It's a risky game if you get caught. 159 00:21:40,410 --> 00:21:41,910 主人回来了 The owner is back. 160 00:21:51,290 --> 00:21:54,630 有一座凉亭 值得去冒险 There is one bower where the risk is worth it. 161 00:21:56,010 --> 00:21:59,550 一件特别的物品吸引了他的目光 A particular object has caught his eye. 162 00:22:03,260 --> 00:22:05,810 他需要等主人离开 He'll have to wait for the owner to leave. 163 00:22:18,240 --> 00:22:19,530 机会来了 This is his chance. 164 00:22:22,110 --> 00:22:23,530 这是真正的宝贝 A real treasure. 165 00:22:23,620 --> 00:22:25,240 深红色的心 A scarlet heart. 166 00:22:31,080 --> 00:22:32,120 “拿到了” "Got it." 167 00:22:34,420 --> 00:22:37,960 供雌鸟参观的舞台已经准备就绪 The stage is now set for female visitors. 168 00:22:46,550 --> 00:22:48,930 他似乎很走运 His luck may be in. 169 00:22:57,230 --> 00:23:00,230 可以开始尽情引诱了 The seduction can now begin. 170 00:23:04,740 --> 00:23:06,950 他开始炫耀自己的收藏 He's showing off his best goods. 171 00:23:11,780 --> 00:23:14,330 “这个塑料管怎么样” "Perhaps a little plastic piping? 172 00:23:17,660 --> 00:23:19,830 “我还有鲜艳的红丝线” "Or maybe a bit of coloured string?" 173 00:23:25,130 --> 00:23:27,590 但这位访客似乎对此毫无兴趣 But his guest doesn't seem to be paying much attention. 174 00:23:36,680 --> 00:23:37,850 “这把叉子呢” "A fork? 175 00:23:39,220 --> 00:23:40,390 “女士” "Madame?" 176 00:23:42,940 --> 00:23:44,900 对方依旧无动于衷 Nothing seems to be working. 177 00:23:48,820 --> 00:23:51,400 事情有些不对劲 Something is just not quite right here. 178 00:23:58,030 --> 00:24:00,910 但他还有一招 But he still has one trick up his sleeve. 179 00:24:02,410 --> 00:24:04,080 那颗红心 The scarlet heart. 180 00:24:29,730 --> 00:24:33,400 As a final thrill,he expands the pink crest 作为压轴节目 他张开了头部后 181 00:24:33,480 --> 00:24:35,480 头部后侧的粉色羽冠 on the back of his head. 182 00:24:35,570 --> 00:24:38,110 证明他已经成年 The sign of his adulthood. 183 00:24:39,200 --> 00:24:40,860 但他弄错了 But he's made a mistake. 184 00:24:43,370 --> 00:24:44,950 这只不是雌鸟 This is not a female 185 00:24:45,030 --> 00:24:48,410 而是一只还没有长出羽冠的雄鸟 but a young male who hasn't yet developed that head crest. 186 00:24:49,540 --> 00:24:52,210 他衔起红心飞走了 And he's making off with the scarlet heart. 187 00:24:54,960 --> 00:24:58,420 在城里求偶着实不易 It's not easy finding sex in the city. 188 00:25:02,930 --> 00:25:06,930 在城市里养活子女也不轻松 Raising a family in the city is not easy either. 189 00:25:09,010 --> 00:25:11,220 多伦多已经到了春季 It's spring time in Toronto, 190 00:25:11,310 --> 00:25:17,100 这只浣熊妈妈的家 从树顶换成了屋顶 and this mother raccoon has exchanged her native treetops for rooftops. 191 00:25:27,780 --> 00:25:29,870 两个月前她产下的幼崽 Since giving birth two months ago, 192 00:25:29,950 --> 00:25:34,240 被她放在烟囱里 那里温暖又安全 she's kept her offspring safe and warm inside a chimney. 193 00:25:39,250 --> 00:25:41,960 现在 这些宝宝们住不下了 Now, her young have outgrown their nursery. 194 00:25:43,090 --> 00:25:46,300 这是当妈妈的第一个大挑战 This is her first major challenge as a mother. 195 00:25:49,130 --> 00:25:52,510 搬新家 The time has come to move to a new home. 196 00:25:53,970 --> 00:25:57,180 她得把孩子们从屋顶带下来 She needs to get her youngster to ground level. 197 00:25:59,640 --> 00:26:02,810 可脚下不是方便攀爬的树干 But instead of an easy climb down a tree, 198 00:26:02,900 --> 00:26:05,650 而是垂直陡峭的墙壁 she is faced with a vertical drop, 199 00:26:06,070 --> 00:26:07,860 几乎没有着力点 with little to cling onto. 200 00:26:13,200 --> 00:26:16,490 浣熊宝宝第一次看到城市世界 Her baby's first glimpse of the urban world, 201 00:26:19,490 --> 00:26:22,000 却是在惊悚的九米高空 from a terrifying 30 feet up. 202 00:26:54,230 --> 00:26:57,440 这只浣熊宝宝是最后一个了 This is the last of her litter to be brought down. 203 00:26:58,610 --> 00:27:00,240 它的兄弟们 Its siblings are already 204 00:27:00,320 --> 00:27:02,490 已经忙着探索未知世界 busy exploring the area. 205 00:27:03,660 --> 00:27:05,280 他们要学的还有许多 And they have much to learn. 206 00:27:09,460 --> 00:27:13,000 这只浣熊宝宝掉进后巷 被困在了这里 This one has fallen into a back alley and is trapped. 207 00:27:15,460 --> 00:27:19,510 妈妈来救它 告诉它应该怎么做 Mother comes to the rescue and demonstrates what must be done. 208 00:27:43,150 --> 00:27:44,440 就是这样 That's the way. 209 00:27:50,660 --> 00:27:53,240 浣熊是一群投机分子 Raccoons are opportunists. 210 00:27:55,080 --> 00:27:57,000 十分渴望探索新世界 And they're eager to explore. 211 00:28:03,130 --> 00:28:05,250 他们需要尽快学会 But they'll have to learn very quickly 212 00:28:05,340 --> 00:28:09,050 如何适应这样一个既陌生 how to get along in this strange new environment 213 00:28:09,130 --> 00:28:11,800 又充满危险的世界 so full of hazards. 214 00:28:18,390 --> 00:28:21,440 妈妈再次前来救助 Mother comes to the rescue once more. 215 00:28:24,190 --> 00:28:27,440 城市浣熊与乡村浣熊相比 Urban raccoons are now demonstrably better 216 00:28:27,530 --> 00:28:30,150 拥有更加卓越的问题解决能力 at problem-solving than their country cousins. 217 00:28:37,830 --> 00:28:40,290 食物来源如此丰富 When the feeding opportunities are this good, 218 00:28:40,370 --> 00:28:43,000 花点时间想办法获取食物 the time spent working out how to get to it 219 00:28:43,080 --> 00:28:45,080 也非常值得 is well worth it. 220 00:28:55,930 --> 00:28:58,260 复杂的城市生活 The complexity of urban life 221 00:28:59,600 --> 00:29:01,310 需要智取 favours the clever. 222 00:29:10,270 --> 00:29:13,690 但是要想在白天与人类竞争 But to compete with humanity during daylight hours, 223 00:29:13,780 --> 00:29:15,360 需要的不只是智慧 takes more than just intelligence. 224 00:29:21,320 --> 00:29:22,870 还有胆量 It takes nerve. 225 00:29:25,330 --> 00:29:28,000 一群雄心勃勃的猴子 One enterprising species of monkey 226 00:29:28,080 --> 00:29:31,620 搬到了印度斋浦尔市 has moved into the city of Jaipur in India. 227 00:29:35,290 --> 00:29:36,630 恒河猕猴 The Rhesus macaque. 228 00:29:41,630 --> 00:29:45,550 如何拿到这些鲜嫩多汁的水果呢 But how to get a share of all this juicy fruit? 229 00:29:54,480 --> 00:29:57,730 每天早上 猴子军团都会和上班族一样 Every morning, the troop make the same journey 230 00:29:57,820 --> 00:30:01,570 走同样的路线 穿越城市丛林 through the urban jungle, just as human commuters do. 231 00:30:25,550 --> 00:30:29,430 有时候 难免会遇到交通拥堵 Sometimes, inevitably, there are traffic jams. 232 00:30:54,530 --> 00:30:57,830 等他们抵达市场 麻烦就开始了 Once they get to the market, trouble begins. 233 00:31:20,510 --> 00:31:22,770 有勇有谋 Being both intelligent and brazen 234 00:31:22,850 --> 00:31:26,900 才能在人类的地盘占上风 is the key to beating human beings on their home turf. 235 00:32:06,060 --> 00:32:08,060 简直是光天化日下的抢劫 It's daylight robbery. 236 00:32:19,110 --> 00:32:22,690 在大多数人看来 生活在城市中的 There are some animals that most would consider too dangerous 237 00:32:22,780 --> 00:32:24,740 有些动物太过危险 to tolerate in the city. 238 00:32:29,700 --> 00:32:31,120 斑鬣狗 Spotted hyenas. 239 00:32:34,750 --> 00:32:36,920 它们所到之处 其他动物都退避三舍 They're feared throughout their range. 240 00:32:45,090 --> 00:32:48,130 在埃塞俄比亚哈拉市郊外 In the outskirts of Hara in Ethiopia, 241 00:32:48,220 --> 00:32:53,470 两群鬣狗针锋相对 准备争夺宝贵资源 two clans are coming face to face to battle over a prized resource. 242 00:32:58,940 --> 00:33:02,360 两边队伍各有六十只左右 There are about 60 hyenas in each clan. 243 00:33:03,320 --> 00:33:04,480 势均力敌 And they're well matched. 244 00:33:31,170 --> 00:33:34,220 经过三小时的来回周旋 After three hours of posturing back and forth, 245 00:33:34,300 --> 00:33:35,970 一支队伍败退 the losers retreat 246 00:33:36,220 --> 00:33:39,050 赢家则出发去享受战果 and the victors head to claim their prize. 247 00:33:46,060 --> 00:33:49,940 它们争夺的正是进入城区的权利 They have been fighting over access to the city. 248 00:34:04,120 --> 00:34:08,460 Once inside the city walls,they head for one place. 一旦穿过城墙 它们就直奔目的地 249 00:34:18,050 --> 00:34:20,760 而且也很清楚该如何去那里 And they know exactly how to get there. 250 00:34:54,580 --> 00:34:56,790 一家历史悠久的肉店 The ancient meat market. 251 00:35:00,420 --> 00:35:04,630 动物残骸的浓重气息飘散在空气中 The scent of all these carcasses lies heavy in the air. 252 00:35:28,320 --> 00:35:32,120 这个传统已经持续了四百多年 This tradition goes back over 400 years. 253 00:35:32,910 --> 00:35:36,290 屠夫们会把不要的骨头扔出来 The human butchers put out the bones they don't need 254 00:35:36,370 --> 00:35:39,200 由这些鬣狗负责处理 and these hyenas deal with them. 255 00:35:42,040 --> 00:35:43,880 只有它们有这个能力 They're the only animals that can. 256 00:35:44,670 --> 00:35:48,920 其他动物的咬合力不足以咬断骨头 No other here has such powerful bone-crushing jaws. 257 00:35:52,550 --> 00:35:55,550 人类与野兽的这种关系 And this relationship between man and beast 258 00:35:55,640 --> 00:35:57,930 如今已经发展到了新高度 has now been taken a step further. 259 00:36:01,730 --> 00:36:06,270 约瑟夫在呼唤鬣狗们去他家 Yousuf is calling the hyenas to his house. 260 00:36:14,780 --> 00:36:18,620 他和他的祖辈 连续五代人 He and his forefathers, going back five generations, 261 00:36:18,700 --> 00:36:20,830 在喂食这些鬣狗时 have been feeding the hyenas 262 00:36:22,120 --> 00:36:23,410 都直接用手 by hand. 263 00:36:25,660 --> 00:36:29,040 住在这里的市民们认为 The inhabitants of this town believe that hyenas 264 00:36:29,130 --> 00:36:32,380 鬣狗还有一个非常重要的本事 provide another very important service. 265 00:36:33,500 --> 00:36:37,510 能够吞噬游荡在街道上的恶魂 Eating the bad spirits that haunt the streets. 266 00:36:44,350 --> 00:36:47,680 这种动物凶猛而残暴 These are wild and ferocious animals, 267 00:36:47,770 --> 00:36:50,270 但是在城区内 but once within these city walls, 268 00:36:50,350 --> 00:36:53,440 他们表现出了完全不同的一面 they behave in a completely different way. 269 00:36:55,520 --> 00:36:59,240 Throughout the rest of Africa,spotted hyenas are feared 在非洲的其他地区 大家都十分惧怕斑鬣狗 270 00:36:59,320 --> 00:37:02,570 因为它们猎食家畜 甚至伤及孩童 because they kill livestock, sometimes even children. 271 00:37:04,950 --> 00:37:08,950 斑鬣狗大概是地球上最受诟病的动物 They are perhaps the most vilified animal on our planet. 272 00:37:13,670 --> 00:37:15,710 然而 在哈勒尔 However, here in Harar, 273 00:37:15,790 --> 00:37:19,300 他们却能够与人类和平共处 their relationship with people is entirely peaceful. 274 00:37:22,550 --> 00:37:24,970 赢得了人类的信任 They have won the trust of man. 275 00:37:35,020 --> 00:37:37,100 丧失对人类的恐惧 Losing its fear of humans 276 00:37:37,190 --> 00:37:41,110 让一种动物遍布世界各个城市 has enabled one animal to spread into cities everywhere, 277 00:37:41,190 --> 00:37:43,110 而且数量庞大 and in huge numbers. 278 00:37:50,910 --> 00:37:55,700 鸽子是目前最成功的城市鸟类 Pigeons are by far the most successful urban bird. 279 00:38:02,210 --> 00:38:04,710 在法国南部的阿尔比 Here, in Albi, in the south of France, 280 00:38:04,790 --> 00:38:07,090 鸽群飞到河边沐浴 the pigeons come to the river to bathe. 281 00:38:08,260 --> 00:38:11,050 它们要整理飞羽 They need to preen their flight feathers, 282 00:38:11,130 --> 00:38:13,300 清洗掉城市的灰尘 clean off the city dust, 283 00:38:13,970 --> 00:38:15,850 并给自己降降温 and cool themselves down. 284 00:38:37,530 --> 00:38:39,620 而死神正埋伏以待 But death lies in wait. 285 00:38:42,160 --> 00:38:44,200 捕食者正是利用了 A predator that has taken advantage 286 00:38:44,290 --> 00:38:47,290 鸽子在城市得以成功生存的法宝 of the very thing that has led to the pigeon's success... 287 00:38:49,960 --> 00:38:51,210 它们已丧失的恐惧感 Their lack of fear. 288 00:38:54,880 --> 00:38:59,010 As the pigeons bathe,oil from their plumage flows downstream, 鸽子洗澡时 羽毛上的油脂顺流而下 289 00:38:59,550 --> 00:39:01,260 被捕食者察觉 and is detected. 290 00:39:12,360 --> 00:39:15,480 一条巨大的六须鲶鱼 A monstrous Wels catfish. 291 00:39:18,360 --> 00:39:23,570 虽然才被引入此地四十年 Introduced here just 40 years ago, 292 00:39:25,370 --> 00:39:27,870 繁殖数量却已大大增长 几乎迫使本地鱼类灭绝 they have proliferated. Virtually exterminated the local fish stocks... 293 00:39:30,500 --> 00:39:34,210 现在它们将猎食对象转向了鸽子 And they've now developed a taste for pigeon. 294 00:39:36,790 --> 00:39:38,590 由于视力微弱 Their eyesight is poor, 295 00:39:38,670 --> 00:39:42,840 它们依靠触须来探测猎物的动静 so they use their barbels to sense the movements of their victims. 296 00:40:40,890 --> 00:40:43,900 对底栖鱼类来说 This is a radical new hunting strategy 297 00:40:43,980 --> 00:40:46,980 这是种全新的捕猎策略 for what is normally a bottom-dwelling fish. 298 00:41:02,700 --> 00:41:05,660 在城市居住了上千年之后 After a thousand years of living in this city, 299 00:41:06,670 --> 00:41:10,840 鸽子现在却要学会避开水里的鱼 pigeons are now having to learn to avoid a fish 300 00:41:17,180 --> 00:41:19,850 我们的城市在不断变化 Our cities are always changing. 301 00:41:19,930 --> 00:41:21,680 有时极为迅速 Sometimes very swiftly. 302 00:41:24,470 --> 00:41:27,270 动物们必须应对这些改变 And animals must cope with the changes, 303 00:41:27,890 --> 00:41:29,400 否则就会消失 or disappear. 304 00:41:31,440 --> 00:41:34,570 近年来 最大的变化之一 One of the greatest changes in recent times 305 00:41:34,650 --> 00:41:39,740 是由一项历史还不到一百四十年的发明引起的 has come from a single invention made less than 140 years ago. 306 00:41:44,830 --> 00:41:46,370 电灯 Electric light. 307 00:41:48,660 --> 00:41:51,290 它的影响力越来越大 It has become more and more powerful, 308 00:41:53,750 --> 00:41:55,880 点亮了我们的街道 filling our streets with light. 309 00:42:08,060 --> 00:42:10,020 城市灯光无处不在 It's everywhere in the city. 310 00:42:12,180 --> 00:42:13,850 甚至延伸到地下 It even goes under ground. 311 00:42:34,080 --> 00:42:39,210 白天与黑夜的区别愈发难以分辨 The difference between day and night is becoming less and less perceptible. 312 00:42:49,220 --> 00:42:53,930 这对野生动物产生了深远的影响 And that has a profound effect on the activities of wildlife. 313 00:42:59,230 --> 00:43:03,900 在野外 光引发动物的各种行为 In the wilderness, light triggers all kinds of behaviour. 314 00:43:10,110 --> 00:43:11,900 在月圆之夜 On the night of the full moon, 315 00:43:11,990 --> 00:43:15,030 数百只刚孵化的小玳瑁 hundreds of tiny hawksbill turtle hatchlings 316 00:43:15,120 --> 00:43:19,160 从安全的沙底洞穴中钻出 emerge from the safety of their nest deep in the sand. 317 00:43:21,700 --> 00:43:25,750 本能驱使它们尽快爬到海里 Their instinct is to reach the sea as quickly as possible. 318 00:43:27,960 --> 00:43:32,960 指引它们方向的是海水倒映的月光 And their guide is the light of the full moon reflected on the water. 319 00:43:40,350 --> 00:43:44,390 但这只小玳瑁感到很困惑 But this young hatchling is confused. 320 00:43:53,020 --> 00:43:55,860 它正朝错误的方向爬去 It's going in the wrong direction. 321 00:44:01,120 --> 00:44:03,740 明亮的灯光从陆地照来 Bright light is coming from the land. 322 00:44:06,910 --> 00:44:11,750 让这些小玳瑁都从沙滩爬向内陆 And all these hatchlings are travelling up the beach towards it. 323 00:44:17,880 --> 00:44:20,970 捕食者伺机而动 Predators are ready to take advantage. 324 00:44:22,930 --> 00:44:27,100 螃蟹将巢穴直接建在沙滩灯光下 Crabs now make their burrows directly beneath the beach lights 325 00:44:27,810 --> 00:44:30,850 等猎物自己送上门 and wait for their prey to come to them. 326 00:44:53,500 --> 00:44:56,080 即使能成功逃脱 Even if a hatchling escapes, 327 00:44:56,750 --> 00:44:58,210 它们仍身处险境 they're still in peril. 328 00:45:07,340 --> 00:45:10,550 灯光愈发具有迷惑性 The lights become more and more bewildering. 329 00:45:35,660 --> 00:45:38,910 这片沙滩上百分之八十的小玳瑁 80% of all hatchlings on this beach 330 00:45:38,990 --> 00:45:43,120 都因城市的灯光而迷失了方向 are now disorientated by the lights of the town. 331 00:46:04,060 --> 00:46:06,940 许多小生命终结了在马路上 Roads bring many to their end. 332 00:46:22,530 --> 00:46:26,500 每晚都有数百只小玳瑁被困在下水道 Hundreds get trapped in storm drains every night. 333 00:46:41,470 --> 00:46:45,300 在陆地上的长途跋涉使它筋疲力尽 Exhausted by the effort of travelling such a distance on land, 334 00:46:47,890 --> 00:46:52,190 这只小玳瑁很可能活不过今晚 this hatchling's chances of surviving the night are slim. 335 00:47:05,410 --> 00:47:08,660 这只玳瑁只是无数 This turtle is one of the countless species 336 00:47:08,740 --> 00:47:11,580 无法适应城市 that have been unable to adapt to the change 337 00:47:11,660 --> 00:47:14,790 环境变化的物种之一 brought about by the urban environment. 338 00:47:26,840 --> 00:47:29,050 只有少数动物 Only a small number of animals 339 00:47:29,140 --> 00:47:32,470 找到了与人类共存的方法 have managed to find ways of living alongside us. 340 00:47:34,890 --> 00:47:39,060 每隔十年 就有英国面积大小的区域 And every 10 years, an area the size of Britain 341 00:47:39,140 --> 00:47:42,400 被水泥森林吞噬 disappears under a jungle of concrete. 342 00:47:52,160 --> 00:47:55,120 但一切并非只能如此 But it doesn't have to be like this. 343 00:47:58,290 --> 00:48:03,120 难道我们不能建造更加融合自然的城市吗 Could it not be possible to build cities more in harmony with nature? 344 00:48:06,570 --> 00:48:09,730 我们是这个环境的设计师 We are the designers of this enviroment. 345 00:48:10,880 --> 00:48:17,220 是否邀请野生动物回归城市 方式如何 都取决于我们 How, and whether we decide to invite the wildlife back, is up to us. 346 00:48:21,310 --> 00:48:24,600 这棵树被吊到约三十层楼高 This tree is rising nearly 30 storeys. 347 00:48:24,690 --> 00:48:30,860 它和其他近八百棵树一起被种下 旨在打造一座米兰的垂直森林 It's one of almost 800 being planted to create a vertical forest in Milan. 348 00:48:37,110 --> 00:48:41,580 这个数量的树木 相当于两公顷的森林 This number of living trees would normally fill two hectares of woodland, 349 00:48:41,660 --> 00:48:45,620 可在这里 它们只占据了十分之一的面积 but here, they occupy one-tenth of that area. 350 00:48:47,210 --> 00:48:50,290 绿化建筑的外墙和屋顶 Greening the walls and roofs of our buildings 351 00:48:50,380 --> 00:48:53,040 就能打造一座茂盛而广阔的栖息地 could create a rich and extensive habitat, 352 00:48:53,130 --> 00:48:55,130 只要我们有心去做 if we wanted it to do so. 353 00:48:58,420 --> 00:49:03,390 有一座城市 正在大规模实践这个构想 There is one city where that idea is being applied on a major scale. 354 00:49:04,180 --> 00:49:05,350 新加坡 Singapore. 355 00:49:07,390 --> 00:49:12,390 这座城市在四十五年里共种了两百万棵树 Two million trees have been planted here in the last 45 years. 356 00:49:14,100 --> 00:49:18,860 如今 它成为了世界上物种最丰富的城市 This city is now richer in species than any other in the world. 357 00:49:26,370 --> 00:49:30,160 构建自然城市的实践延伸至城市的每个角落 And this practise extends to all parts of the city. 358 00:49:31,700 --> 00:49:33,540 城市中的航道被清理干净 The waterways have been cleaned up, 359 00:49:33,620 --> 00:49:36,330 江獭们得以重新回归 and smooth-coated otters are coming back. 360 00:49:43,010 --> 00:49:47,510 不过 城市绿化最壮观的例子 But perhaps, the most spectacular example of city greening 361 00:49:47,590 --> 00:49:51,050 也许是这片超级树林 is this grove of super trees. 362 00:49:54,220 --> 00:50:00,480 这些四十五米高的金属建筑现在充满了生机 These 150 feet high metal structures are now full of life. 363 00:50:02,360 --> 00:50:06,400 分枝上种植了匍匐植物 蔓延生长 Creepers have been planted to grow over the outermost branches. 364 00:50:10,930 --> 00:50:14,220 这是否就是我们未来的城市景观呢 Is this a vision of our cities of the future? 365 00:50:18,430 --> 00:50:21,890 也许某天 我们会看到更多的野生动物 The potential to see animals thriving within our cities 366 00:50:22,020 --> 00:50:25,230 在全世界的城市的里繁衍生息的景象 is achievable across the globe. 367 00:50:34,110 --> 00:50:38,490 如今半数以上的人口生活在城市中 More than half of us now live in an urban environment. 368 00:50:40,950 --> 00:50:44,330 我们是否愿意打造美好的地球家园 Whether we choose to create a home for others too 369 00:50:45,880 --> 00:50:47,580 不仅是为了人类 is up to us.