1 00:00:17,760 --> 00:00:29,760 《地球脉动2》 第一季 第三集 2 00:00:36,150 --> 00:00:41,300 地球是人类已知的唯一存在生命的星球 Earth is the only planet we know of where life exists. 3 00:00:43,990 --> 00:00:47,250 而且这里生机盎然 And, here, it does so in abundance. 4 00:00:52,150 --> 00:00:54,850 丛林宛如伊甸园般美好 The jungle is Eden. 5 00:00:57,520 --> 00:01:01,270 它仅占地球表面积的百分之六 It covers less than 6% of the Earth's surface 6 00:01:01,340 --> 00:01:03,690 却分布着世界上 but it's home to half of all 7 00:01:03,690 --> 00:01:06,120 一半的动植物物种 the plants and animals on land. 8 00:01:10,310 --> 00:01:14,950 丛林拥有适宜的光照 水源和养分 Jungles have just the right amount of light, water and nutrients, 9 00:01:15,050 --> 00:01:19,030 千百年来一直如此 and they have had every day for millennia. 10 00:01:23,640 --> 00:01:26,770 在这里生存应该不难 Life here should be easy. 11 00:01:35,620 --> 00:01:37,720 这是一只大狐猴 This is an indri. 12 00:01:40,540 --> 00:01:42,540 他和我们一样 是灵长类动物 It's a primate, like us. 13 00:01:43,540 --> 00:01:48,160 马达加斯加的这片森林就是他的家 And these forests in Madagascar are its home. 14 00:01:55,380 --> 00:01:57,150 但是要在这里生存 But to survive here... 15 00:01:58,200 --> 00:02:01,500 他不得不面对一个巨大的挑战 it has to face one major challenge. 16 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:10,160 天堂有点拥挤 Paradise is crowded. 17 00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:16,740 每个角落都有物种栖息 Life fills every niche. 18 00:02:18,690 --> 00:02:20,850 每分每秒 And, at any one time, 19 00:02:20,850 --> 00:02:25,680 都有生命为了空间与食物斗争不已 a staggering variety of species and countless individuals 20 00:02:26,260 --> 00:02:29,450 种类繁多 数不胜数 are striving for space and food. 21 00:02:38,870 --> 00:02:40,960 和所有丛林中的动物一样 Like every jungle animal, 22 00:02:41,050 --> 00:02:44,450 大狐猴需要找到自己的方法 indri have to find their own way to survive 23 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:47,970 才能在地球上竞争最为激烈的地方生存下去 in the most competitive place on Earth. 24 00:03:02,140 --> 00:03:08,060 丛林 25 00:03:11,780 --> 00:03:14,180 英语解说 大卫·爱登堡 26 00:03:14,190 --> 00:03:17,140 丛林错综复杂 Jungles are complex places... 27 00:03:18,250 --> 00:03:20,930 丰富的热带植物 tangled three-dimensional worlds 28 00:03:21,470 --> 00:03:24,540 交织出一个立体世界 created by lush tropical vegetation. 29 00:03:28,270 --> 00:03:33,950 这里有九成的动物在树上度过一生 90% of the animals here spend their whole lives up in the trees. 30 00:03:34,900 --> 00:03:38,940 每一种动物都有自己的生存之道 And each of them has to find its own way of getting around. 31 00:03:42,210 --> 00:03:47,020 一只蜘蛛猴悬挂于距离地面三十米高的地方 Hanging 100 feet above the ground, a spider monkey. 32 00:03:53,370 --> 00:03:55,030 他们以家庭为单位行动 They travel in family groups 33 00:03:55,030 --> 00:03:59,130 在丛林的最上层获取生存的必需品 and find everything they need in the top storey of the jungle. 34 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:04,450 这么高的地方可不适合胆小的物种 Up here isn't a place for the faint-hearted. 35 00:04:07,630 --> 00:04:11,820 修长的四肢加上灵活如手的卷尾 With long limbs and a prehensile tail that can grip like a hand, 36 00:04:11,880 --> 00:04:13,840 他们就是为攀爬而生的 they're built for climbing. 37 00:04:20,530 --> 00:04:25,750 但是要在这么高的地方学习这些技巧 But imagine having to learn these skills as high up as this. 38 00:04:31,120 --> 00:04:35,730 三分之一的蜘蛛猴都活不到成年 One third of spider monkeys never make it to adulthood. 39 00:04:38,810 --> 00:04:42,140 这只幼崽只有几个月大 This youngster is only a few months old. 40 00:04:44,140 --> 00:04:47,950 她的未来取决于她的攀爬能力 Her future depends on her ability to climb. 41 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:54,130 通过和哥哥姐姐在练习树上玩耍 Playing on a practice tree with her older brother and sister, 42 00:04:54,180 --> 00:04:58,160 她已经学会用尾巴当安全索 she's already learning to use her tail as a safety line... 43 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:04,810 一切都在父亲的注视之下 under her father's close watch. 44 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:23,630 她很想加入游戏 但是由于年纪最小 She's keen to join in the game but she's the youngest and, 45 00:05:23,630 --> 00:05:27,170 有时候不太受大家欢迎 as is the way of things, she's not always welcome. 46 00:05:33,140 --> 00:05:36,750 所以她自己找了个地方玩耍 So she chooses her own place to play. 47 00:05:42,890 --> 00:05:45,020 但是树木不尽相同 But not all trees are the same. 48 00:05:45,440 --> 00:05:49,670 这棵树需要更高的攀爬技巧 This one is for more advanced climbers. 49 00:05:59,600 --> 00:06:02,380 论积极性 毋庸置疑 Enthusiasm? Certainly! 50 00:06:08,330 --> 00:06:09,750 但论技术 Technique? 51 00:06:13,240 --> 00:06:15,220 有待提高 Room for improvement. 52 00:06:18,280 --> 00:06:21,070 此时她的几个家庭成员 Meanwhile, some of her family have moved on 53 00:06:21,070 --> 00:06:23,770 去其它地方寻找新鲜食物了 to look for a new patch of fresh food. 54 00:06:26,590 --> 00:06:29,900 树冠顶端不是幼猴该去的地方 The top of the canopy isn't for youngsters. 55 00:06:31,010 --> 00:06:35,530 可父亲没有看着她 加入大家的诱惑 But father's not looking and the temptation to join the others 56 00:06:35,530 --> 00:06:37,440 又实在无法抗拒 is irresistible. 57 00:06:45,280 --> 00:06:47,270 她必须小心翼翼 She'll need to be careful. 58 00:06:47,710 --> 00:06:51,250 从这里跌落必死无疑 A fall from here would mean certain death. 59 00:06:59,090 --> 00:07:03,560 这是她第一次独自爬到如此高的地方 It's the first time she's been as high as this on her own. 60 00:07:15,090 --> 00:07:19,680 她越爬越高 树枝越来越细 As she climbs still higher, the branches get thinner and thinner. 61 00:07:45,260 --> 00:07:47,130 尾巴救了她一命 Her tail has caught her... 62 00:07:47,970 --> 00:07:49,980 可她现在被困在空中 ...but now she's stuck in mid-air, 63 00:07:49,980 --> 00:07:52,370 够不到其它的树枝 unable to reach any other branch. 64 00:08:06,270 --> 00:08:09,110 而父亲其实一直关注着 Father, however, was watching. 65 00:08:11,030 --> 00:08:12,410 他的身体强壮有力 He's big and strong enough 66 00:08:12,410 --> 00:08:14,380 可以搭成一座桥 to form a bridge with his body 67 00:08:14,500 --> 00:08:16,710 让孩子爬回安全地带 so that she can climb to safety. 68 00:08:48,700 --> 00:08:50,270 吃一堑长一智 Lesson learned. 69 00:08:56,360 --> 00:09:00,810 但是在树顶生活的不仅仅是猴子 But it's not just monkeys that live here, up in the treetops. 70 00:09:08,330 --> 00:09:10,320 如果体型足够小 And, if you are small, 71 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:14,760 找一棵合适的树相当于找到了一生的家 finding the right tree can mean a home for life. 72 00:09:20,460 --> 00:09:22,540 这是一只飞蜥 He's a Draco lizard. 73 00:09:22,540 --> 00:09:26,640 体型只有铅笔大小 以蚂蚁为食 He's only the size of a pencil and he eats ants. 74 00:09:34,380 --> 00:09:38,620 这棵树可以为他提供一生所需的食物 This one tree could provide him with all he will ever need... 75 00:09:39,330 --> 00:09:41,730 就像回转寿司一样源源不断 a conveyor belt of food. 76 00:09:45,180 --> 00:09:47,710 这是完美的栖身之所 It's a perfect place to settle down. 77 00:09:54,810 --> 00:09:56,440 本来是的 Well, it would be... 78 00:09:58,990 --> 00:10:00,950 可这里已经有蜥蜴安家了 ...but there's already someone here. 79 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:13,940 这只大点的雄蜥蜴是这棵树的主人 This larger male is the tree's owner. 80 00:10:14,490 --> 00:10:17,100 而飞蜥从不分享 And Dracos don't share. 81 00:10:25,400 --> 00:10:28,860 主人的旗帜是个警告 The owner's flag is a warning. 82 00:10:32,240 --> 00:10:35,220 对入侵者绝不手软 Trespassers won't be tolerated. 83 00:10:37,490 --> 00:10:39,780 他不仅是在恐吓对手 The owner's not only intimidating... 84 00:10:42,150 --> 00:10:44,010 同时也做好了战斗的准备 ...he's prepared to battle. 85 00:10:57,390 --> 00:10:58,730 无处可逃了 A dead end. 86 00:11:00,710 --> 00:11:03,180 形势万分危急 Safety is a long way away. 87 00:11:05,880 --> 00:11:07,490 现在他必须做出选择 Now he must choose. 88 00:11:09,470 --> 00:11:10,780 迎战 Fight... 89 00:11:14,270 --> 00:11:15,560 还是逃跑 ...or flee? 90 00:11:33,340 --> 00:11:36,300 只有在丛林中你才能看到 Only in the jungle do you find lizards 91 00:11:36,300 --> 00:11:38,870 像龙一样翱翔的蜥蜴 that can soar like dragons. 92 00:11:42,710 --> 00:11:46,830 他纵身一跃可以飞出三十余米 He can travel over 100 feet in a single leap. 93 00:11:48,570 --> 00:11:52,760 这是一种高速而有效的穿越丛林的方式 It's a very fast and efficient way to move through the jungle. 94 00:12:00,480 --> 00:12:05,990 没准这会是一棵无人占领而又食物充足的树 Maybe this new tree will have food and no resident owner. 95 00:12:14,280 --> 00:12:18,390 丛林中的所有物种都在争夺生存空间 Everything in the jungle has to compete for space. 96 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:27,120 只有百分之二的光线会到达地面 Only 2% of the sun's rays reach the ground... 97 00:12:27,740 --> 00:12:31,050 所以即使是植物也要争夺生长 ...so even the plants must battle for the light they need 98 00:12:31,050 --> 00:12:32,420 所需的阳光 if they're to grow. 99 00:12:39,710 --> 00:12:44,770 三百年前这棵响盒子就开始努力汲取阳光 300 years ago, this Hura tree began its race for light. 100 00:12:46,550 --> 00:12:48,060 日复一日地 And every day since, 101 00:12:48,070 --> 00:12:51,680 它吸收着成长所需的水分和阳光 it has absorbed the water and sunshine it needed 102 00:12:51,910 --> 00:12:54,560 终于长成参天大树 to grow into a giant. 103 00:13:03,720 --> 00:13:08,370 它与其他树木一样努力生长 It has succeeded in doing what every tree must do to survive... 104 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:12,960 终于摆脱丛林底层的昏暗 脱颖而出 ...rise above the gloom of the jungle floor. 105 00:13:21,140 --> 00:13:25,770 不仅如此 它还养活了很多其它的生命 And, what is more, its success has given life to others. 106 00:13:36,250 --> 00:13:40,460 它的树枝上长着千余种植物 Its branches now carry 1,000 other plants. 107 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:47,520 这些蕨类 无花果和兰科植物 These particular ferns, figs and orchids 108 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:50,830 只在寄生在其他树木的树枝上 live only on the branches of other trees. 109 00:13:56,160 --> 00:14:00,410 近千种植物在一棵树上济济一堂 1,000 plants growing on one single tree. 110 00:14:02,190 --> 00:14:07,090 整片森林之中 这样的情景随处可见 Throughout the forest, this story is repeated endless times. 111 00:14:11,180 --> 00:14:13,670 正因如此 丛林中植物物种的数量 As a consequence, jungles are home 112 00:14:13,670 --> 00:14:18,100 是地球上最多的 to more species of plants than anywhere else on Earth. 113 00:14:19,050 --> 00:14:23,630 而这些植被成为大量动物赖以生存的家园 And they, in turn, support a wealth of animals. 114 00:14:29,150 --> 00:14:33,910 在厄瓜多尔 生存竞争尤为激烈 In Ecuador, the competition is at its most intense. 115 00:14:35,870 --> 00:14:39,440 在这里 光是蜂鸟就有一百种 Here, there are 100 species of hummingbirds alone... 116 00:14:42,400 --> 00:14:44,840 都在争夺花蜜 ...all fighting for nectar. 117 00:14:47,310 --> 00:14:51,010 每朵花一次只能产出少量花蜜 Each flower only has a small amount at any one time, 118 00:14:51,010 --> 00:14:53,920 所以先到先得 and so it's first come, first served. 119 00:14:58,400 --> 00:15:01,700 这种蜂鸟竭尽全力 One hummingbird has gone to great lengths 120 00:15:01,890 --> 00:15:04,780 试图避免与其他物种的争斗 to avoid conflict with other species. 121 00:15:09,300 --> 00:15:14,650 刀嘴蜂鸟是唯一一种喙长于身体的鸟类 Swordbills are the only bird with a beak longer than their body. 122 00:15:17,250 --> 00:15:19,590 有些植物花冠极其细长 And some flowers are too elongated 123 00:15:19,610 --> 00:15:22,820 其它九十九种蜂鸟 for the other 99 species of hummingbirds here 124 00:15:22,920 --> 00:15:24,370 都无法吃到里面的花蜜 to feed from them. 125 00:15:37,060 --> 00:15:39,950 刀嘴蜂鸟凭借极长的喙 A swordbill's extraordinary beak, however, 126 00:15:39,970 --> 00:15:43,390 可以够到其它蜂鸟无法触及的地方 enables it to reach the places that others can't... 127 00:15:47,480 --> 00:15:52,150 也就是这种花朵基部的蜜腺 ...the top of this flower, where the sweet nectar is produced. 128 00:15:53,550 --> 00:15:55,340 它找到了解决方法 It has found a solution 129 00:15:55,470 --> 00:15:58,590 不必和其它蜂鸟争夺食物 that means it doesn't have to join the fight. 130 00:16:01,310 --> 00:16:03,790 细长的花朵们竞相盛开 And, as each long flower blooms, 131 00:16:03,790 --> 00:16:08,290 为刀嘴蜂鸟提供了专属的新鲜花蜜 it gives the swordbill a fresh supply of food all to itself. 132 00:16:24,350 --> 00:16:28,710 不过 喙比身体长也是有缺点的 But having a beak longer than your body does have its drawbacks. 133 00:16:33,530 --> 00:16:36,660 首先 想保持干净就有点难度 For a start, it's tricky to keep it clean. 134 00:16:49,220 --> 00:16:53,260 更麻烦的是 要如何整理羽毛呢 Harder still, how do you preen your body feathers? 135 00:16:56,120 --> 00:16:57,730 不像其它蜂鸟 Unlike the other hummers, 136 00:16:57,730 --> 00:17:00,970 刀嘴蜂鸟的喙够不到身上的羽毛 swordbills can't reach their feathers with their beak. 137 00:17:08,920 --> 00:17:12,710 唯一的办法就是用爪子挠 The only option, a good old scratch. 138 00:17:32,030 --> 00:17:34,290 虽然不太优雅 It's a little unrefined... 139 00:17:36,560 --> 00:17:41,200 但这是独享食物要付出的一点小代价 ...but a small price to pay for an exclusive food supply... 140 00:17:44,730 --> 00:17:46,810 尤其是进食时间 ...especially when feeding times 141 00:17:46,810 --> 00:17:51,020 经常被暴雨天气打断的时候 are only too frequently interrupted by storms. 142 00:17:59,550 --> 00:18:02,520 丛林是地球上自然资源最丰富的地区 Jungles are the richest places on Earth 143 00:18:02,520 --> 00:18:05,120 个中原因令人惊奇 because of one remarkable fact... 144 00:18:08,280 --> 00:18:10,560 丛林能够自己制造天气 ...they make their own weather. 145 00:18:16,240 --> 00:18:21,440 每天水分都会从叶表蒸发 变成水蒸气 Every day, water rises from the surface of the leaves as vapour. 146 00:18:23,410 --> 00:18:26,760 如同树木在呼出云 It's as if the trees breathe out clouds. 147 00:18:29,820 --> 00:18:33,220 水汽逐渐集结在森林上空 直到... They gather over the forest until, finally... 148 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:37,510 汇成倾盆大雨 ...they burst. 149 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:56,550 雨是丛林的命脉 Rain is the lifeblood of every jungle. 150 00:19:06,450 --> 00:19:10,870 动物们每天都要经受暴雨的考验 And all have to do their best to endure the daily downpour. 151 00:19:55,210 --> 00:19:58,170 有一些丛林 比如巴西的这里 In some jungles, like here in Brazil, 152 00:19:58,450 --> 00:20:02,130 由于降雨量特别大 一年中总有一段时间 it rains so much that, for part of the year, 153 00:20:02,130 --> 00:20:05,090 树木几乎被完全淹没 the trees are almost totally submerged. 154 00:20:14,160 --> 00:20:18,400 水面至林地表层深达九米 The forest floor is 30 feet below the water's surface. 155 00:20:21,580 --> 00:20:24,100 这是一个神秘的世界 This is a mysterious world, 156 00:20:24,840 --> 00:20:28,340 鲜少有人踏足 a place few people have ever explored. 157 00:20:37,170 --> 00:20:38,830 这里分布的许多动物 We have much to discover 158 00:20:38,830 --> 00:20:41,810 都值得我们去探索 about the animals for which this is home... 159 00:20:46,110 --> 00:20:51,680 有些物种你可能从未想过会在丛林里见到 ...including some you might never expect to find amongst trees. 160 00:21:05,980 --> 00:21:11,310 距离海洋一千六百公里的这个地方 有江豚 Here, 1,000 miles from the sea, are dolphins. 161 00:21:16,420 --> 00:21:19,540 这种淡水豚是一个新种 A newly identified species of river dolphin 162 00:21:19,540 --> 00:21:21,790 在地球上其它地方均无分布 found nowhere else on Earth. 163 00:21:35,750 --> 00:21:37,930 由于生活在黑暗而复杂的河水里 In these black, tangled waters, 164 00:21:37,930 --> 00:21:41,100 他们的双眼几乎完全失明 they have become almost totally blind, 165 00:21:41,240 --> 00:21:42,960 所以他们游得很慢 so they move slowly, 166 00:21:43,350 --> 00:21:48,650 仔细地用声纳扫描林地表层寻找鱼类为食 carefully using their sonar to scan the forest floor for fish. 167 00:21:54,210 --> 00:21:57,930 如果这片森林里能隐居着新种江豚 If this forest can hide a new species of dolphin... 168 00:21:59,020 --> 00:22:02,600 那还会有多少新奇物种 等着我们去发现呢 ...what else might there be here, awaiting discovery? 169 00:22:08,250 --> 00:22:11,100 这片泛洪丛林边缘的泥岸浅水区 At the shallow margins of the flooded jungle, 170 00:22:11,100 --> 00:22:14,250 河流穿过茂密的植被 rivers flow through lush vegetation. 171 00:22:18,150 --> 00:22:22,760 这里食物充足 养育着一些大型动物 Here, food is so abundant, it supports giants. 172 00:22:25,460 --> 00:22:28,660 水豚 世界上最大的啮齿动物 Capybara, the biggest rodents in the world... 173 00:22:34,260 --> 00:22:37,070 大水獭 体型堪比成年男性 ...giant otters the size of a man... 174 00:22:42,090 --> 00:22:44,530 还有称霸河流的王者 ...and the rulers of these rivers... 175 00:22:46,020 --> 00:22:47,330 凯门鳄 ...caiman. 176 00:22:48,990 --> 00:22:52,260 它们体长可达三米 They grow to ten feet long and kill anything 177 00:22:52,280 --> 00:22:54,450 能杀死一切落入口中的猎物 they get between their jaws. 178 00:23:00,220 --> 00:23:03,210 然而还有更狡猾的捕猎者 But there are more artful hunters... 179 00:23:04,990 --> 00:23:08,010 从周围的森林里被吸引至此 ...drawn here from the surrounding forest. 180 00:23:20,480 --> 00:23:24,840 美洲豹 丛林中顶端的捕食者 A jaguar, the supreme jungle predator. 181 00:23:32,120 --> 00:23:35,510 这条河是他领地的边界 The river marks the edge of his territory... 182 00:23:37,160 --> 00:23:40,280 但在这里 他遇到了竞争对手 ...but here he has competition. 183 00:24:03,070 --> 00:24:05,980 他闯入了一只母美洲豹的地盘 He's now in the territory of a female. 184 00:24:11,790 --> 00:24:16,120 她统治这一河段已有五年之久 She has ruled this stretch of river for five years. 185 00:24:18,410 --> 00:24:21,370 这是她狩猎的地方 This is her place to hunt. 186 00:24:51,850 --> 00:24:55,170 水豚既强壮又机警 Capybara are strong and wary. 187 00:24:58,350 --> 00:25:00,710 狩猎关键在于悄无声息 The key is stealth. 188 00:25:19,340 --> 00:25:24,480 想袭击它们 她必须靠近到一米之内 She needs to get within three feet if she's to pounce. 189 00:25:47,870 --> 00:25:49,410 这次没成功 Not this time. 190 00:26:00,500 --> 00:26:02,910 她不是这里唯一的母豹 She's not the only female here. 191 00:26:04,570 --> 00:26:09,130 在丛林边缘的不同区域 各有一只母豹称后 Each part of this jungle's edge is ruled by a different queen. 192 00:26:20,330 --> 00:26:25,340 很少地方有足够的食物能养活这么多只大猫 Few places on Earth have enough food to support so many big cats. 193 00:26:52,650 --> 00:26:55,490 公美洲豹的捕猎方式则有所不同 The male hunts in a different way. 194 00:27:02,980 --> 00:27:07,650 一百三十公斤的体重 很难做到悄无声息 Weighing almost 300 lbs, it's hard to be stealthy... 195 00:27:10,630 --> 00:27:13,480 加上周围还有很多美洲豹 ...and with so many other jaguars around, 196 00:27:13,850 --> 00:27:17,100 他就不费心去抓警觉的水豚了 he doesn't bother with wary capybara. 197 00:27:23,400 --> 00:27:25,890 他寻找另一种猎物 He seeks a different prey. 198 00:27:49,820 --> 00:27:54,140 他成了捕猎杀手的杀手 He's become a killer of killers. 199 00:28:21,220 --> 00:28:26,690 美洲豹的咬合力是所有猫科动物里最强的 Jaguars have the most powerful bite of any cat. 200 00:28:29,760 --> 00:28:33,040 而且他知道凯门鳄最脆弱的部位 And he knows the caiman's most vulnerable point... 201 00:28:35,360 --> 00:28:37,370 是它的后脑勺 ...the back of its skull. 202 00:29:06,330 --> 00:29:10,310 在浓密的丛林底层中生活的捕猎者 Hunters living in the dense understorey of the jungle 203 00:29:10,670 --> 00:29:13,200 形态各异 come in all shapes and sizes. 204 00:29:16,050 --> 00:29:18,130 但它们有一个共同的难题 But they share a problem. 205 00:29:24,190 --> 00:29:28,460 如何分辨植物和猎物 How to tell what is a plant, and what is prey. 206 00:29:31,680 --> 00:29:34,100 这是个捉迷藏游戏 This is a game of hide and seek 207 00:29:34,320 --> 00:29:37,520 眨眼间就能定输赢 that can be won or lost in the blink of an eye. 208 00:30:09,520 --> 00:30:13,030 捕猎者和猎物之间经过漫长的斗争 The long contest between predator and prey 209 00:30:13,260 --> 00:30:17,500 形成了令人震惊的拟态水平 has produced mimicry of astounding accuracy. 210 00:30:35,280 --> 00:30:40,300 一只叶尾壁虎正伪装成地衣 A leaf-tailed gecko masquerading as lichen. 211 00:31:06,250 --> 00:31:11,040 有些动物把伪装发挥到更高境界 Some animals take camouflage a stage further still... 212 00:31:15,260 --> 00:31:17,800 在哥斯达黎加的这条小溪里 ...and these streams in Costa Rica 213 00:31:17,800 --> 00:31:20,730 住着一位杰出的伪装大师 are home to one of the most remarkable. 214 00:31:31,730 --> 00:31:33,790 一只玻璃蛙 A glass frog. 215 00:31:41,640 --> 00:31:46,680 这只雄蛙尺寸迷你 只有人的指甲大小 A male, and tiny, no bigger than your fingernail 216 00:31:47,600 --> 00:31:51,340 身体几乎完全透明 and almost entirely transparent... 217 00:31:53,380 --> 00:31:55,130 这很有必要 ...as he needs to be. 218 00:31:57,920 --> 00:32:01,990 几乎所有经过这里的动物 都能吃掉它 Almost everything that walks past here could eat him, 219 00:32:03,270 --> 00:32:05,000 甚至是一只蟋蟀 even a cricket. 220 00:32:09,860 --> 00:32:13,530 想活命 它就要保持静止不动 His best chance is to stay absolutely still 221 00:32:13,970 --> 00:32:16,950 希望蟋蟀的视线能直接穿透它 and trust that the cricket looks right through him. 222 00:32:39,560 --> 00:32:41,290 危险过去了 Danger passed, 223 00:32:42,830 --> 00:32:44,880 幸好如此 and that's just as well, 224 00:32:46,230 --> 00:32:49,080 因为他作为一名父亲 because he is a father... 225 00:32:52,590 --> 00:32:55,810 正在保护珍贵的卵 ...and he's guarding some very precious eggs. 226 00:32:59,840 --> 00:33:03,390 过去几周 雌蛙们相继来和他交配 For the last few weeks, females, one after the other, 227 00:33:03,390 --> 00:33:07,620 并将保护后代的重任交给他 have visited him and entrusted him with their offspring. 228 00:33:10,540 --> 00:33:13,600 有些卵快孵化了 Some are now almost ready to hatch. 229 00:33:17,540 --> 00:33:21,330 叶子上有几团卵块 最上面的那一团 There are several clutches on the leaf, and those at the top, 230 00:33:21,330 --> 00:33:25,500 是最近产下的 还不到一天大 the most recently laid, are barely a day old. 231 00:33:31,210 --> 00:33:35,560 可是在丛林里 总有其它动物虎视眈眈 But in the jungle, there's always someone out to get you. 232 00:33:41,500 --> 00:33:46,450 这只黄蜂是捕食蛙卵的专家 This wasp is a specialist hunter of frogs' eggs. 233 00:33:48,240 --> 00:33:53,130 它在叶子底部发现了正在蠕动的小蝌蚪们 It's noticed the wriggling tadpoles at the bottom of the leaf. 234 00:33:58,680 --> 00:34:00,350 他决不能移动 He mustn't move. 235 00:34:01,010 --> 00:34:04,080 刚产下的卵是最脆弱的 The youngest eggs are the most vulnerable, 236 00:34:04,200 --> 00:34:06,190 他无法同时保护所有的卵 and he can't guard them all. 237 00:34:26,740 --> 00:34:30,980 但这些小蝌蚪并不像表面看起来那样无助 But these tadpoles are not as helpless as they might appear. 238 00:34:39,150 --> 00:34:43,850 难以置信的是 未孵化的蝌蚪能感应到危险 Incredibly, the unhatched tadpoles can sense danger, 239 00:34:43,850 --> 00:34:45,950 那些最成熟和最强壮的 and the oldest and strongest 240 00:34:45,960 --> 00:34:49,570 可以扭动着挣脱出来 掉进下方的溪流里 wriggle free and drop into the stream below. 241 00:35:07,720 --> 00:35:10,060 然而叶子顶部的卵 The eggs at the top of the leaf, however, 242 00:35:10,060 --> 00:35:12,940 还未能孵化 are still too young to hatch, 243 00:35:14,430 --> 00:35:17,580 但黄蜂已经知道它们的存在 and now the wasps know they're there. 244 00:35:21,280 --> 00:35:23,020 不过雄蛙的背部 But the male's back 245 00:35:23,020 --> 00:35:26,530 看起来很像新产下的卵块 looks very like the youngest cluster of eggs... 246 00:35:30,390 --> 00:35:33,700 这似乎迷惑住了黄蜂 ...and that seems to confuse the wasps. 247 00:35:56,680 --> 00:36:00,400 拿自己的身体当诱饵非常冒险 Using his own body as a decoy is a huge risk. 248 00:36:01,260 --> 00:36:03,730 如果被黄蜂蛰伤 他会送命的 The wasp stings could kill him. 249 00:36:32,460 --> 00:36:36,260 他成功救下了大部分的后代 He's managed to save most of his young. 250 00:36:40,450 --> 00:36:44,500 他还得再保持警惕两周 He'll have to remain on guard for another two weeks, 251 00:36:45,640 --> 00:36:47,180 不过在丛林里 but in the jungle, 252 00:36:47,190 --> 00:36:51,560 能活过一天都算是一种胜利 just surviving the day can count as a success. 253 00:37:05,970 --> 00:37:07,670 当夜幕降临 With the coming of the night, 254 00:37:07,680 --> 00:37:12,080 另一批丛林主角们登上了舞台 a new cast of jungle characters takes to the stage. 255 00:37:15,750 --> 00:37:20,780 飞虫们开始为寻找伴侣而发光 Flying insects begin to glow as they search for mates. 256 00:37:24,810 --> 00:37:27,440 菌类与植物不同 Fungi, unlike plants, 257 00:37:27,450 --> 00:37:30,570 在阴暗的森林地面茁壮地成长 thrive in the darkness of the forest floor. 258 00:37:32,940 --> 00:37:35,450 它们隐匿起来 直到绽放的时刻 They're hidden until they begin to develop 259 00:37:35,450 --> 00:37:39,060 便以惊人的姿态生长繁殖 the incredible structures with which they reproduce. 260 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:45,780 每株蘑菇释放出数以百万的微型孢子 Each releases millions of microscopic spores 261 00:37:45,780 --> 00:37:48,390 无形地飘散各处 that drift invisibly away. 262 00:37:53,750 --> 00:37:55,440 许多长出子实体的蘑菇 Many have fruiting bodies 263 00:37:55,440 --> 00:37:58,630 努力朝上生长 以捕捉潮湿空气中 that reach upwards to catch any feeble current 264 00:37:58,630 --> 00:38:01,240 可能存在的稀薄氧气 there might be in the clammy air. 265 00:38:05,520 --> 00:38:07,730 然而这一株 长着长着 But this one, as it grows, 266 00:38:08,600 --> 00:38:10,440 却发起了光 becomes luminous. 267 00:38:23,370 --> 00:38:27,570 蘑菇发光的原因一直是个谜团 Why fungi light up has remained a mystery... 268 00:38:34,160 --> 00:38:35,740 直到现在才被解开 ...until now. 269 00:38:44,410 --> 00:38:48,270 科学家研究了世界上最亮的蘑菇 Scientists studying the brightest fungi in the world 270 00:38:48,280 --> 00:38:50,530 认为他们或许找到了答案 think they may have an answer. 271 00:38:55,720 --> 00:38:59,960 光线像灯塔一样吸引着昆虫 Like a beacon, the light attracts insects. 272 00:39:06,040 --> 00:39:08,520 从四处赶来 From far and wide. 273 00:39:16,530 --> 00:39:21,030 对这只扣头虫来说 光亮只意味着一件事... To this click beetle, a bright light means only one thing...millennia 274 00:39:21,290 --> 00:39:23,350 一只雌性扣头虫 a female click beetle, 275 00:39:24,860 --> 00:39:26,990 所以他亦发光回应 so he flashes in reply. 276 00:39:38,980 --> 00:39:42,280 但没有得到预期的反应 But he doesn't get the reception he was expecting. 277 00:39:47,090 --> 00:39:50,370 他疑惑不解 开始四处寻找雌虫 Confused, he starts searching for a female, 278 00:39:50,530 --> 00:39:52,730 这可帮了蘑菇的大忙 and that helps the fungus. 279 00:39:54,580 --> 00:39:59,280 当他放弃的时候 浑身已沾满了蘑菇的孢子 By the time he gives up, he's covered in the fungus's spores. 280 00:40:00,460 --> 00:40:03,230 在他继续寻找雌虫时 And, as he continues his quest for a female, 281 00:40:03,230 --> 00:40:06,950 也一同将这些孢子传播到了森林他处 he carries these spores to other parts of the forest. 282 00:40:10,310 --> 00:40:15,320 这晚 丛林中还有更奇特的东西在发光 And there are even stranger things glowing in the jungle night. 283 00:40:19,040 --> 00:40:24,670 这是火车虫(苹绕实蝇)的多彩灯光 These are the multicoloured lights of a railroad worm. 284 00:40:25,630 --> 00:40:27,640 然而它并不是一种蠕虫 It's not really a worm, 285 00:40:27,640 --> 00:40:30,910 而是一种酷似毛毛虫的有毒甲虫 but a poisonous, caterpillar-like beetle. 286 00:40:34,310 --> 00:40:38,490 黄灯亮起 以警告其他动物莫要挡道 The yellow lights warn other creatures to keep out of its way. 287 00:40:47,800 --> 00:40:51,230 它在寻找千足虫 It's hunting for millipedes. 288 00:41:01,320 --> 00:41:03,630 当它发现可疑踪迹时 When it finds the trail of one, 289 00:41:03,700 --> 00:41:06,660 便会熄灭黄灯 it switches off its yellow lights. 290 00:41:13,040 --> 00:41:17,060 现在它仅留一盏头顶的红灯 Now it only has a red light on its head. 291 00:41:22,190 --> 00:41:25,620 千足虫看不见红光 Millipedes can't see red light. 292 00:41:30,390 --> 00:41:32,870 所以对它们来说 火车虫已经 So, to them, the railroad worm 293 00:41:32,920 --> 00:41:36,730 切换成了完全隐身的潜行模式 in stealth mode is virtually invisible. 294 00:41:49,440 --> 00:41:52,680 千足虫的生命终结了 And that is the end of the millipede. 295 00:42:05,000 --> 00:42:09,240 丛林中的生存竞争迫使动物们在方方面面 Competition in the jungles forces animals to specialise 296 00:42:09,240 --> 00:42:11,370 都成了生活的行家 in every aspect of their life, 297 00:42:12,220 --> 00:42:14,270 包括求偶 including courtship. 298 00:42:16,420 --> 00:42:19,470 这也催生出了一些地球上 This has produced some of the most beautiful 299 00:42:19,480 --> 00:42:22,730 最美秒最精巧的展示 and elaborate displays on the planet. 300 00:42:28,100 --> 00:42:31,180 一只红色的雄性天堂鸟 A male red bird-of-paradise, 301 00:42:31,830 --> 00:42:35,010 正在用舞蹈来争取一只雌鸟的青睐 competing to attract a female by dancing. 302 00:42:36,820 --> 00:42:39,710 她来看看是否有佳偶在此等候 One has come to survey what's on offer. 303 00:42:58,060 --> 00:43:00,260 她是一位独立有主见的女士 She is an independent lady, 304 00:43:00,260 --> 00:43:03,890 可以任意选择自己中意的男士 and she will select whichever male takes her fancy. 305 00:43:22,110 --> 00:43:23,900 她作出了选择 She makes her choice. 306 00:43:42,830 --> 00:43:46,320 但这会儿好像又不太确定 But now she doesn't seem quite so sure. 307 00:43:54,810 --> 00:43:56,790 不行吗 No? 308 00:43:56,790 --> 00:44:00,210 可能他有点太急切了 Perhaps he's just a little too keen. 309 00:44:13,630 --> 00:44:16,530 也许明天他会好运一些 Maybe he'll have better luck tomorrow. 310 00:44:25,590 --> 00:44:29,620 红色天堂鸟在树梢间炫技求偶 Red birds-of-paradise display in the treetops. 311 00:44:32,510 --> 00:44:34,260 而家族里的其他成员 Other members of the family 312 00:44:34,290 --> 00:44:37,490 却在森林地面的阴暗处起舞 dance in the gloom of the forest floor. 313 00:44:40,240 --> 00:44:44,080 这是一只威尔逊天堂鸟 This is a Wilson's bird-of-paradise. 314 00:44:45,280 --> 00:44:49,230 他颜色艳丽 但只有麻雀大小 He's brightly coloured, but about the size of a sparrow. 315 00:44:52,660 --> 00:44:57,730 他之前大多独自生活 但现在成年了 He's lived most of his life alone, but now he's an adult, 316 00:44:57,730 --> 00:45:00,940 急需吸引一位伴侣 and he too needs to attract a mate. 317 00:45:05,130 --> 00:45:08,750 这个小光斑或许能帮到他 This little patch of light might help him do so. 318 00:45:14,870 --> 00:45:17,600 首先 他把这里收拾干净 First, he tidies things up. 319 00:45:18,120 --> 00:45:22,180 在一堆杂乱的树叶间炫耀舞技可不容易 Showing off in this jumble of leaves wouldn't be easy, 320 00:45:23,340 --> 00:45:28,620 简单的背景才更能衬托他的美丽 and his beauty will stand out better against a plain background. 321 00:45:36,290 --> 00:45:40,810 他可不希望鲜艳的叶子转移了观众的注意 He doesn't want bright leaves to divert a visitor's attention. 322 00:45:41,030 --> 00:45:43,120 它们都得被清理掉 They all need to go. 323 00:45:46,450 --> 00:45:48,470 就连绿色的也不能留 Even the green ones. 324 00:45:50,930 --> 00:45:53,450 尤其是绿色的 Especially the green ones. 325 00:46:02,890 --> 00:46:04,790 他的舞台搭好了 His stage is set. 326 00:46:05,520 --> 00:46:08,580 一个中心支柱 一点光斑 A central pole, and a little patch of light. 327 00:46:09,140 --> 00:46:10,360 完美 It's perfect. 328 00:46:14,480 --> 00:46:18,550 现在 他必须期待雌鸟能听见他的呼唤 And now, he must hope a female hears his call. 329 00:46:30,030 --> 00:46:32,520 他能在这里连等上几周 He can wait here for weeks on end. 330 00:46:42,780 --> 00:46:44,790 终于 雌鸟来了 At last, a female. 331 00:46:47,640 --> 00:46:49,950 是时候就位了 Time to take up position. 332 00:46:52,530 --> 00:46:56,280 雌鸟要通过雄鸟羽毛的光泽来衡量他 She will judge him by the brightness of his feathers. 333 00:47:02,160 --> 00:47:05,120 但为了向雌鸟展示他的最佳状态 But for the female to see him at his best, 334 00:47:05,130 --> 00:47:09,790 他需要她落座于舞台的正上方 he needs her to perch directly above his stage, 335 00:47:11,120 --> 00:47:12,730 在那束阳光下 under the light. 336 00:47:16,010 --> 00:47:19,790 这也许是他唯一一次闪耀的机会 This might be his only chance to shine. 337 00:47:26,370 --> 00:47:29,340 现在 当她垂直俯视他的时候 Now, when she's looking directly down on him, 338 00:47:29,340 --> 00:47:33,010 他只为她的目光而表演 he reveals a display for her eyes only. 339 00:47:39,250 --> 00:47:41,420 在这森林地表的阴暗处 In the gloom of the forest floor, 340 00:47:41,420 --> 00:47:45,430 他就是那最绚烂最夺目的一抹绿色 he is a dazzling blaze of iridescent green. 341 00:47:47,620 --> 00:47:50,840 森林里最耀眼的叶子 The brightest leaf in the forest. 342 00:47:59,300 --> 00:48:01,670 他成功了 And that does the trick. 343 00:48:11,650 --> 00:48:14,380 每个动物都必须找到独家方法 Each animal must find its own way of 344 00:48:14,380 --> 00:48:17,680 才能在丛林的竞争中生存下来 surviving the competition of the jungle. 345 00:48:30,880 --> 00:48:33,820 这个拥挤的世界充满了创造力 This crowded world is so full of invention 346 00:48:34,100 --> 00:48:37,500 几乎陆地上所有的物种 that almost all kinds of animals on land 347 00:48:37,660 --> 00:48:40,800 都能从这里找到起源 can trace their origins back here... 348 00:48:45,300 --> 00:48:47,350 包括人类 ...including us. 349 00:48:50,700 --> 00:48:52,820 马达加斯加的这片森林 These forests in Madagascar 350 00:48:52,830 --> 00:48:56,020 是我们一位远亲的家园 are home to one of our distant cousins. 351 00:49:00,080 --> 00:49:01,800 这只雌性大狐猴 This female indri 352 00:49:01,890 --> 00:49:05,170 曾为她和家族能在森林里有一处安身之地 has fought to keep this particular patch of forest 353 00:49:05,170 --> 00:49:08,380 而英勇奋战 safe for herself and her family. 354 00:49:18,720 --> 00:49:22,100 每天清晨 家族成员们聚在一起歌唱 Every morning, the family come together to sing, 355 00:49:23,010 --> 00:49:27,570 她们在提醒别人这是她们的家园 their way of reminding others that this is their home. 356 00:49:33,810 --> 00:49:37,420 大狐猴非常适应这里的生存环境 Indri are so closely adapted to living here 357 00:49:37,650 --> 00:49:40,630 以至于现在已无法生存于别处 that now they can live nowhere else. 358 00:49:44,340 --> 00:49:46,980 对她们以及其他数十亿 For them and the billions of animals with whom 359 00:49:46,980 --> 00:49:48,680 共享家园的动物来说 they share their home, 360 00:49:49,720 --> 00:49:52,810 丛林是个庇护所 the jungle is a sanctuary. 361 00:49:56,900 --> 00:49:58,770 然而一切正遭受着变故 But this is changing. 362 00:50:02,980 --> 00:50:07,060 在家族首领出生的这十年里 Even in the ten years since the head of this family was born, 363 00:50:07,070 --> 00:50:11,270 仅在马达加斯加 就有一百万公顷的雨林 one million hectares of the rainforest have been destroyed 364 00:50:11,340 --> 00:50:13,520 遭到破坏 in Madagascar alone, 365 00:50:14,970 --> 00:50:19,210 而那里曾栖息着半数的大狐猴家族 and, with it, half the indri families that once lived there. 366 00:50:24,740 --> 00:50:28,230 当地居民说 大狐猴是我们的兄弟 The local people say the indris are our brothers 367 00:50:28,230 --> 00:50:32,250 他们的歌声也是在提醒我们 and their song is a call to remind us that we, too, 368 00:50:32,250 --> 00:50:34,370 人类也曾经依靠丛林为生 once depended on the jungle. 369 00:50:43,500 --> 00:50:48,230 这片伊甸园仍是充满奇迹和魔法的天堂 This Eden is still a place of wonder and magic. 370 00:50:53,460 --> 00:50:57,510 有些生命 毋庸置疑 值得我们保护 Something, surely, worth protecting. 371 00:51:08,440 --> 00:51:09,500 下一集 Next time... 372 00:51:09,710 --> 00:51:13,640 极端的生存环境把生命推向极限 A land of extremes that pushes life to the limit. 373 00:51:15,450 --> 00:51:17,080 动物们自有非同寻常的方法 Animals have extraordinary ways 374 00:51:17,080 --> 00:51:19,660 来应对险恶的生存环境 of dealing with the hostile conditions. 375 00:51:21,160 --> 00:51:25,790 由此创造出了地球上最伟大的生存壮举 Creating the most epic survival stories on Earth. 376 00:51:25,940 --> 00:51:27,990 这就是沙漠 These are deserts.