1 00:00:17,760 --> 00:00:29,760 《地球脉动2》 第一季 第二集 2 00:00:38,660 --> 00:00:41,830 世界上超过八千米的山峰 There are only fourteen peaks in the world 3 00:00:41,870 --> 00:00:44,630 屈指可数 that rise to over 8000 metres. 4 00:00:52,420 --> 00:00:57,420 它们全部位于喜马拉雅地区 All of them are here, in the Himalayas. 5 00:01:06,670 --> 00:01:11,230 在极端低温与暴风雪的洗礼下 Lethally cold, scoured by gales and blizzards, 6 00:01:11,600 --> 00:01:16,330 这些山脉成为地球上生存条件最苛刻的地区 these mountains are among the most hostile places on Earth. 7 00:01:26,070 --> 00:01:30,350 然而 仍有动物能够生活在这里 Yet, a few special animals manage to live here. 8 00:01:37,980 --> 00:01:39,610 雪豹 Snow leopards. 9 00:01:41,940 --> 00:01:44,520 与所有高山生物相同 Like all creatures of the high mountains, 10 00:01:44,520 --> 00:01:48,320 为了生存 他们必须从体型和行为上 they have had to adapt both their body and their behaviour 11 00:01:48,320 --> 00:01:50,120 充分适应环境 in order to survive. 12 00:01:58,220 --> 00:02:00,640 极高海拔之上的生存 Life at extreme altitude 13 00:02:00,740 --> 00:02:05,040 塑造出了这个星球上最顽强的动物 has shaped some of the toughest animals on the planet. 14 00:02:09,510 --> 00:02:16,010 山脉 15 00:02:28,220 --> 00:02:31,860 阿拉伯半岛上的山地被阳光炙烤得发烫 The sunbaked mountains of the Arabian Peninsula. 16 00:02:33,580 --> 00:02:36,410 英语解说 大卫·爱登堡 17 00:02:36,420 --> 00:02:40,100 它们的海拔也许只是喜马拉雅山脉的零头 They may only be a fraction of the height of the Himalayas, 18 00:02:41,210 --> 00:02:44,430 但却异常险峻 but they are still so dizzyingly steep 19 00:02:44,510 --> 00:02:48,840 很多地方几乎无法立足 that in many places it's almost impossible to get a foothold. 20 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:02,570 而努比亚羱羊还是栖息于此 Yet Nubian ibex have made this their home. 21 00:03:14,330 --> 00:03:18,620 羱羊选择在最陡峭的绝壁上养育幼仔 The ibex choose the steepest cliffs to raise their young, 22 00:03:19,130 --> 00:03:22,220 环境安全 没有天敌 in safety, beyond the reach of predators. 23 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:37,750 在生活在这里也要付出代价 But living in this sanctuary comes with a cost. 24 00:03:41,320 --> 00:03:44,550 山崖过于陡峭 These nursery slopes are so steep, 25 00:03:44,560 --> 00:03:48,010 几乎没有任何积水 there is almost no standing water up here. 26 00:03:56,460 --> 00:04:01,590 为了饮水 羱羊必须下到 So to drink, an ibex family must descend into the valley... 27 00:04:03,580 --> 00:04:05,490 三百米下的峡谷之中 ...1,000 feet below. 28 00:04:08,310 --> 00:04:11,160 母羊选出一条最安全的下山路径 The mothers pick out the safest way down. 29 00:04:13,580 --> 00:04:17,900 四只柔软的分趾蹄胜过最好用的登山鞋 With soft cloven hooves that grip better than any climbing shoe, 30 00:04:17,960 --> 00:04:20,850 让他们成为最高超的登山者 they are the most accomplished mountaineers. 31 00:04:33,120 --> 00:04:37,190 但新生的雏羊还在蹒跚学步 But the newborn kids are still having to find their feet. 32 00:04:44,500 --> 00:04:46,960 这是他们第一次下山 This is their first descent. 33 00:04:49,100 --> 00:04:52,010 一次失蹄就可能一命呜呼 One mistake could make it their last. 34 00:05:11,910 --> 00:05:15,880 跟着成年羱羊 小羊们终于到达山谷 Following the adults, the kids finally reach the valley. 35 00:05:19,900 --> 00:05:23,880 但回到平地上 他们就很容易遭到攻击 But once on level ground, they're vulnerable. 36 00:05:32,500 --> 00:05:35,730 赤狐埋伏许久了 Red foxes lie in wait. 37 00:05:50,260 --> 00:05:51,770 一有危险迹象 At the first sign of danger, 38 00:05:51,770 --> 00:05:55,610 羱羊幼仔便本能地奔回陡坡 the young ibex instinctively run back to steeper ground. 39 00:06:10,010 --> 00:06:14,190 但爬上这块突出的岩石可能是个错误 But heading for this particular rocky outcrop could be a mistake. 40 00:06:15,860 --> 00:06:17,910 这有九米高 It's a 30-foot drop. 41 00:06:20,710 --> 00:06:22,520 赤狐把它们困住了 The fox has them trapped... 42 00:06:22,780 --> 00:06:24,540 或者看起来是这样 or so it seems. 43 00:06:43,870 --> 00:06:47,180 这正是羱羊与生俱来的本领 This is what ibex were born to do. 44 00:07:03,690 --> 00:07:07,660 四散而逃的羊群让赤狐难以选择目标 Scattering makes it hard for the fox to pick a target. 45 00:07:22,920 --> 00:07:25,700 显然它也无法追上峭壁 And it certainly can't follow them up here. 46 00:07:26,810 --> 00:07:30,560 只能等待某只羱羊失蹄跌落 All it can do is wait for one to slip and fall. 47 00:07:52,680 --> 00:07:55,190 但这些小羊学得很快 But these youngsters are fast learners, 48 00:07:55,190 --> 00:07:59,150 现在几乎可以和双亲一样如履平地了 and they're now almost as sure-footed as their parents. 49 00:08:35,060 --> 00:08:38,080 赤狐只能去别处觅食 The fox will have to find its meal elsewhere. 50 00:08:44,980 --> 00:08:47,630 今天还真不是个好日子 It's just not been a good day. 51 00:08:56,220 --> 00:09:00,180 小羱羊终于喝上水了 Now, at last, the young ibex can drink. 52 00:09:03,370 --> 00:09:04,450 但很快他们又得 But they'll soon need to 53 00:09:04,450 --> 00:09:07,390 回到峭壁上的安全区域 return to the safety of the sheer cliffs. 54 00:09:13,400 --> 00:09:17,420 在峭壁上行走固然很难 Mastering precipitous terrain is always challenging, 55 00:09:17,820 --> 00:09:19,940 但对于高山动物而言 but there are more fundamental problems 56 00:09:19,940 --> 00:09:21,710 还有更根本的难题 for life in the mountains. 57 00:09:40,680 --> 00:09:44,020 阿尔卑斯山脉 欧洲最高的山峰 The Alps. Europe's highest peaks. 58 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:49,170 时至冬季 食物极度匮乏 It's winter, and food is desperately short. 59 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:04,690 金雕不得不花费整个白天 A golden eagle has to spend every daylight hour 60 00:10:04,970 --> 00:10:10,020 俯视山坡 寻找食物 scanning the slopes for something, somewhere, to eat. 61 00:10:19,790 --> 00:10:23,700 长达两米的翼展让她 Her seven-foot wingspan allows her to glide effortlessly 62 00:10:23,710 --> 00:10:26,970 一天可以轻松滑翔一百六十公里 for 100 miles in a single day. 63 00:10:36,360 --> 00:10:38,110 非凡的视力 Her extraordinary eyes 64 00:10:38,120 --> 00:10:41,810 让她可以看到三公里外的猎物 enable her to spot prey from two miles away. 65 00:10:51,140 --> 00:10:54,510 但她并非这里唯一的觅食者 But she is not the only one who's looking for food. 66 00:10:56,560 --> 00:11:00,150 一旦发现良机 必须快速行动 When she spots a chance, she must move fast. 67 00:11:04,950 --> 00:11:07,700 她能以三百二十公里的时速俯冲而下 She can dive at 200 miles an hour. 68 00:11:07,970 --> 00:11:10,260 只有游隼能飞得更快 Only a peregrine is faster. 69 00:11:45,540 --> 00:11:50,220 在冬季 即使鹰类也几乎完全仰赖腐尸度日 During winter, even eagles rely almost entirely on carrion. 70 00:11:51,300 --> 00:11:53,100 这是一只死去的狐狸 It's a dead fox, 71 00:11:53,110 --> 00:11:55,690 这顿美餐能让她支撑数日 and it could sustain her for days. 72 00:11:59,190 --> 00:12:01,420 其它食腐者只能等着了 Other scavengers must defer. 73 00:12:04,740 --> 00:12:07,670 饥饿的乌鸦很快重新鼓起勇气 The hungry crows soon regain their courage. 74 00:12:10,130 --> 00:12:13,060 他们想尽办法 试图分一杯羹 They'll try any trick to steal a morsel. 75 00:12:21,320 --> 00:12:24,270 顽固地令人厌烦 And they are annoyingly persistent. 76 00:12:46,730 --> 00:12:50,290 但这群乌鸦是她最不需要担心的 But this mob are the least of her worries. 77 00:12:58,240 --> 00:13:00,890 一只更大的金雕抢走了食物 A bigger eagle takes control. 78 00:13:06,050 --> 00:13:09,220 但这顿美餐太过重要 不能轻易放弃 But this kill is too important to give up. 79 00:13:11,580 --> 00:13:13,330 必须奋起一搏 So she must fight. 80 00:13:28,940 --> 00:13:32,060 她暂时抢回了尸体 For the moment, she's won the carcass back. 81 00:13:33,320 --> 00:13:37,550 但这样的猎物会引来方圆数公里内所有的鹰 But a kill like this will attract every eagle for miles around. 82 00:14:06,400 --> 00:14:10,370 最终依然是最强者赢得大部分食物 As ever, the strongest wins the lion's share. 83 00:14:13,460 --> 00:14:16,150 抢不到那具尸体 Unable to defend the carcass any longer, 84 00:14:16,150 --> 00:14:19,600 第一只雕只能继续它的觅食之旅 the first eagle must now continue its search. 85 00:14:21,110 --> 00:14:24,280 也许下一次饱餐就是数日之后的事情了 It may be many days before she feeds again. 86 00:14:29,420 --> 00:14:31,300 只有最具竞争力的生物 Only the most competitive 87 00:14:31,310 --> 00:14:34,290 才能在山脉的寒冬中存活下来 will survive the perils of the mountain winter. 88 00:15:04,430 --> 00:15:06,030 一场雪崩 An avalanche. 89 00:15:06,030 --> 00:15:08,690 十万吨积雪 100,000 tonnes of snow 90 00:15:08,820 --> 00:15:10,820 以一百三十公里的时速席卷而下 travelling at 80 miles an hour, 91 00:15:10,970 --> 00:15:14,420 足以粉碎沿途的一切 capable of smashing everything in its path. 92 00:15:54,430 --> 00:15:56,430 北美洲的山脉 The mountains of North America 93 00:15:56,430 --> 00:16:00,080 每年要发生数千起雪崩 are hit by thousands of avalanches every year. 94 00:16:13,970 --> 00:16:18,290 然而有一种动物整个冬季 Yet one animal spends the whole winter slumbering 95 00:16:18,290 --> 00:16:22,460 都在这些极易发生雪崩的山坡上冬眠 within the snow on these avalanche-prone slopes. 96 00:16:32,740 --> 00:16:36,470 待春天来临 它们就出洞了 And when spring comes, they emerge. 97 00:16:49,880 --> 00:16:51,870 在这些山脉中 All across these mountains, 98 00:16:51,870 --> 00:16:54,560 灰熊将巢筑在背风坡厚厚的积雪之下 grizzly bears make their winter dens 99 00:16:54,560 --> 00:16:59,250 海拔高达三千米 10,000 feet up in the deep snow of leeward slopes. 100 00:17:01,670 --> 00:17:04,730 他们在隆冬半梦半醒之际 And while they were half-asleep in the depths of winter, 101 00:17:04,730 --> 00:17:06,360 产下幼崽 their young were born. 102 00:17:10,970 --> 00:17:13,620 现在这些熊宝宝正迈出他们 Now these cubs are taking their first steps 103 00:17:13,630 --> 00:17:15,560 走向外界的第一步 into the outside world. 104 00:17:40,240 --> 00:17:43,200 熊妈妈带着三只幼崽 This mother is leading her three youngsters 105 00:17:43,200 --> 00:17:46,100 去找东西吃 to a place where they can find food. 106 00:17:51,710 --> 00:17:55,470 他们得尽快下山 They need to descend as quickly as possible. 107 00:17:57,790 --> 00:18:00,620 雪崩肆虐后的残骸清楚地表明 The debris from an avalanche is clear evidence 108 00:18:00,620 --> 00:18:04,370 这片山坡仍然非常不稳定 that this slope is still dangerously unstable. 109 00:18:16,720 --> 00:18:19,780 此地不宜久留 This is not a place to dawdle. 110 00:18:25,850 --> 00:18:28,480 他们继续前行还有另一个原因 And they have another reason to keep moving. 111 00:18:30,060 --> 00:18:31,930 在巢里呆了五个月后 After five months in the den, 112 00:18:31,930 --> 00:18:34,840 这些灰熊饿得正慌 these bears are very hungry. 113 00:18:40,250 --> 00:18:43,280 这片山峰之间冬眠的灰熊 Bears that have hibernated throughout these peaks 114 00:18:43,280 --> 00:18:48,340 现在都下山了 那里的春天来得更早 now all descend to the valleys, where spring comes earliest. 115 00:18:56,460 --> 00:19:01,170 落基山脉的季节变换迅速而突然 In the Rockies, seasonal change is swift and dramatic. 116 00:19:11,780 --> 00:19:13,160 几天时间内 In just a few days, 117 00:19:13,160 --> 00:19:17,850 白雪皑皑的山脉便会绿意盎然 the slopes turn from white to green. 118 00:19:39,890 --> 00:19:44,560 几周前还深埋在冰天雪地里的牧场 Meadows that only a few weeks ago were buried beneath the snow 119 00:19:44,570 --> 00:19:46,950 现在生机勃勃 are now full of life. 120 00:20:05,790 --> 00:20:10,520 但山峦之间 好时光不会太久 But in these mountains, the good times will not last long. 121 00:20:11,950 --> 00:20:14,880 所以灰熊必须尽快进食 So the bears must feed as fast as they can. 122 00:20:18,990 --> 00:20:20,520 夏季的几个月里 During the summer months, 123 00:20:20,520 --> 00:20:25,250 一只成年灰熊靠吃植物能长一百八十公斤 an adult can put on 180 kilos gorging on plants 124 00:20:25,580 --> 00:20:27,860 要是能再... and, if they can catch them... 125 00:20:29,520 --> 00:20:31,080 逮几只土拨鼠就更好了 a marmot or two. 126 00:20:35,120 --> 00:20:39,570 但现在灰熊们还有其他事情要做 But just now, the bears have something else on their minds. 127 00:20:43,420 --> 00:20:44,980 天气转暖 It's becoming warmer, 128 00:20:44,980 --> 00:20:48,360 灰熊急切地想脱下它们厚重的冬衣 and the bears are keen to shed their thick winter coats. 129 00:20:51,840 --> 00:20:55,550 母熊给小熊们做了示范 Mothers show the cubs what to do about this. 130 00:21:05,940 --> 00:21:07,350 他们很快就学会了 They'll soon catch on. 131 00:21:10,720 --> 00:21:15,130 有一些树似乎特别适合搓背 Some trees, it seems, are particularly suitable for rubbing. 132 00:21:15,940 --> 00:21:18,050 熊们都有自己的偏好 Bears have their favourites 133 00:21:18,140 --> 00:21:20,990 他们会长途跋涉 去找喜欢的树 and will travel long distances to visit them. 134 00:21:24,080 --> 00:21:27,330 身上有些痒 急需挠一挠 Some itches just have to be scratched. 135 00:21:49,160 --> 00:21:53,420 这个山谷中大约有三十只熊 There are now around 30 bears in this one valley. 136 00:21:59,890 --> 00:22:05,670 每只熊摩擦时都会留下易于辨认的独特气味 As they rub, each leaves an individual and recognisable scent. 137 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:12,980 所以树上很快会留有附近灰熊的气味 So the tree soon carries a list of who's around, 138 00:22:13,750 --> 00:22:16,690 或许可以避免个体之间的争斗 which might help individuals to avoid a fight. 139 00:22:18,410 --> 00:22:20,760 为了更好地散布自己的气味 To best spread their scent, 140 00:22:21,180 --> 00:22:23,710 他们得用后背好好地蹭一蹭 they really have to put their back into it. 141 00:23:07,310 --> 00:23:09,210 但是夏天很短暂 But summer is short. 142 00:23:09,770 --> 00:23:12,810 痒痒挠满意之后 Itches satisfactorily scratched, 143 00:23:13,510 --> 00:23:15,290 是时候该进食了 it's time to eat. 144 00:23:18,500 --> 00:23:19,790 几个月后 In a couple of months, 145 00:23:19,790 --> 00:23:22,650 他们就要回自己的窝里冬眠 they will have to return to their dens to hibernate, 146 00:23:23,260 --> 00:23:26,360 所以现在必须尽可能地增重 so now they must put on as much weight as they can. 147 00:23:33,870 --> 00:23:38,740 山里的冬天来得迅猛 Winter in the mountains returns fast and hits hard. 148 00:23:53,490 --> 00:23:58,340 落基山脉地区的温度会降至零下五十四度 Temperatures in the Rockies will drop to -54 degrees, 149 00:23:58,940 --> 00:24:01,430 以至于空气中的水分 so cold that moisture in the air 150 00:24:01,440 --> 00:24:06,430 会直接凝结成冰晶 俗称钻石尘 freezes into tiny crystals called diamond dust. 151 00:24:30,380 --> 00:24:35,030 山猫是少数冬天还在活动的捕猎者 This bobcat is one of the few hunters to remain active in winter. 152 00:24:39,010 --> 00:24:42,590 他领地内的大多数猎物都 Most of his prey is now hidden beneath the snow 153 00:24:42,690 --> 00:24:44,870 隐藏在茫茫大雪之下 that covers his entire territory. 154 00:24:51,010 --> 00:24:55,350 他通过辨认极其微弱的声音来捕捉猎物 He hunts by listening for the faintest sound of movement. 155 00:24:56,020 --> 00:25:00,080 为了避免踩雪的脚步声暴露行踪 And to prevent crunching footsteps from revealing his presence, 156 00:25:00,210 --> 00:25:03,820 他用岩石当落脚点 he uses boulders as stepping stones. 157 00:25:23,960 --> 00:25:25,130 逮住一只老鼠 A mouse. 158 00:25:26,660 --> 00:25:28,640 但这远远不够 But one is not enough. 159 00:25:45,340 --> 00:25:49,460 积雪越深越难发现猎物 The deeper the snow, the harder it is to detect prey, 160 00:25:49,910 --> 00:25:52,750 努力捕食却往往空手而归 and the rewards for the effort can be disappointing. 161 00:25:56,320 --> 00:25:57,860 这么说毫不夸张 To say the least. 162 00:26:03,520 --> 00:26:05,980 深冬时节积雪实在太深 By midwinter, the snow is so deep 163 00:26:05,980 --> 00:26:09,050 山猫被迫离开他们的领地 that bobcats are forced to leave their territories 164 00:26:09,060 --> 00:26:11,570 寻找更易于捕捉的猎物 to try and find easier hunting. 165 00:26:36,640 --> 00:26:39,750 但这只山猫运气不错 And this bobcat may be in luck. 166 00:26:41,020 --> 00:26:44,210 因为这个山谷得自然之眷顾 For this particular valley is blessed. 167 00:26:49,610 --> 00:26:52,160 这条河永不结冰 A river here never freezes. 168 00:26:54,990 --> 00:26:58,190 火山温泉带来的热量 It's fed by a volcanic hot spring 169 00:26:58,310 --> 00:27:00,160 使河水升温 that heats these waters 170 00:27:00,160 --> 00:27:03,550 比周围空气的温度高了五十余度 to 50 degrees warmer than the surrounding air. 171 00:27:09,190 --> 00:27:13,130 各种饥肠辘辘的动物来此觅食 Hungry animals of all kinds come here to feed. 172 00:27:37,980 --> 00:27:39,140 到了冬天 Throughout the winter, 173 00:27:39,140 --> 00:27:41,400 对于那些老道的捕猎者而言 the river is full of food 174 00:27:41,460 --> 00:27:43,780 河里满是食物 for those who know how to catch it. 175 00:27:55,920 --> 00:27:59,310 在这里连土狼都学会了捕鱼 Here, even the coyotes have become fishermen. 176 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:05,580 但是捕鱼对山猫来说很难 But hunting is hard for a cat 177 00:28:05,580 --> 00:28:08,080 因为他们讨厌下水 that's not used to getting its feet wet. 178 00:28:17,470 --> 00:28:20,290 所以他必须谨慎选择目标 So he must choose his target with care. 179 00:28:33,120 --> 00:28:34,960 白颊鸭来了 Goldeneye ducks. 180 00:28:36,100 --> 00:28:38,450 但他能够靠近到扑得着吗 But can he get close enough to pounce? 181 00:29:11,700 --> 00:29:14,970 也许对岸的机会更大点 Perhaps he'll have more luck on the other side. 182 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:36,600 河里的热气温暖了周围的树林 Here, steam from the river warms the surrounding trees, 183 00:29:37,410 --> 00:29:40,900 所以林子里可能有猎物 so up in the branches, there could be prey. 184 00:29:46,450 --> 00:29:48,890 前提是他能爬得上去 If only he could get to it. 185 00:29:50,570 --> 00:29:52,190 这有六米高 It's 20 feet up. 186 00:30:09,840 --> 00:30:11,920 最终收获一只松鼠 At last... a squirrel. 187 00:30:14,100 --> 00:30:17,380 不是很多 但是足以支撑他继续捕食 Not much, but enough to keep him going. 188 00:30:20,490 --> 00:30:24,830 想要渡过山里的冬天需要坚韧不拔的意志 To survive a winter in these mountains takes tenacity, 189 00:30:25,810 --> 00:30:29,120 而山猫是其中的佼佼者 and bobcats have that in abundance. 190 00:30:46,660 --> 00:30:49,540 这是一座赤道雪山 Snow on the equator. 191 00:30:51,050 --> 00:30:53,690 与落基山脉不同 这里的山脉 Unlike the Rockies, in these mountains 192 00:30:53,690 --> 00:30:56,060 没有明显的四季 there are no marked seasons. 193 00:31:08,810 --> 00:31:11,100 这是非洲的肯尼亚山 This is Africa's Mount Kenya. 194 00:31:12,240 --> 00:31:15,120 海拔超过五千米 It's 17,000 feet high, 195 00:31:15,530 --> 00:31:18,600 峰顶温度比周围的热带草原 which makes its summit some 30 degrees colder 196 00:31:18,710 --> 00:31:20,480 低三十度左右 than the surrounding savanna. 197 00:31:25,270 --> 00:31:29,100 巨型石南 半边莲和千里光 Giant heathers, lobelias and groundsel 198 00:31:29,200 --> 00:31:31,140 生长在山顶斜坡上 grow on its upper slopes. 199 00:31:31,680 --> 00:31:34,110 它们在炎炎烈日下茁壮成长 They all thrive in the tropical sun. 200 00:31:35,420 --> 00:31:38,470 毕竟赤道每天都是夏天 After all, every day is summer. 201 00:31:40,800 --> 00:31:42,930 但一旦太阳下山 But once the sun sets, 202 00:31:43,070 --> 00:31:47,560 每个夜晚都像冬天般寒冷 every night becomes as bitterly cold as winter. 203 00:31:55,910 --> 00:31:59,680 气温降到零下五度 The temperature drops to five degrees below freezing, 204 00:32:00,440 --> 00:32:04,330 山坡变成了冰雪花园 turning the mountainside into a garden of ice. 205 00:32:25,390 --> 00:32:27,190 一切都冻结了 Everything freezes, 206 00:32:28,430 --> 00:32:32,870 但是木本千里光有办法保护自己 but the cabbage groundsels have a way of protecting themselves. 207 00:32:39,010 --> 00:32:43,990 它们合起革质叶片形成一道保温层 They close up their leathery leaves to form an insulating blanket 208 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:46,900 以保护中心脆弱的蓓蕾 that shields their vulnerable central bud. 209 00:32:59,170 --> 00:33:01,110 寒夜将尽 Night comes to an end... 210 00:33:05,010 --> 00:33:07,070 阳光回归大地 ...and the sunshine returns. 211 00:33:12,100 --> 00:33:14,990 木本千里光舒展它们的叶子 The groundsels spread their leaves wide 212 00:33:15,080 --> 00:33:17,560 再一次沐浴在阳光之中 to bask in the sunshine once again. 213 00:33:36,910 --> 00:33:39,950 安第斯山脉的黎明来到 Dawn in the High Andes. 214 00:33:48,960 --> 00:33:52,890 在这里 升起的朝阳同样解放了 Here too, the rising sun brings rapid relief 215 00:33:52,890 --> 00:33:56,290 生活在火山山峰之间的动物 to animals living amongst these volcanic peaks. 216 00:34:00,140 --> 00:34:02,800 山兔鼠早早起来 Mountain viscacha are up early 217 00:34:02,810 --> 00:34:07,700 抢占最佳位置 享受第一缕阳光 to claim the best places to catch the sun's first rays. 218 00:34:29,330 --> 00:34:34,210 对于其他的动物 太阳更加受到欢迎 For others up here, the sunrise is even more welcome. 219 00:34:37,140 --> 00:34:39,470 这里的海拔超过四千米 At over 14,000 feet, 220 00:34:39,510 --> 00:34:43,050 是世界上海拔最高的火烈鸟栖息地 this is the highest flamingo colony in the world. 221 00:34:45,410 --> 00:34:47,760 这里的夜晚非常寒冷 At night, it gets so cold 222 00:34:47,760 --> 00:34:50,500 连盐水湖都会结冰 that even this salty water freezes over. 223 00:34:52,990 --> 00:34:55,710 这些火烈鸟就被冻在了冰里 And now the flamingos are trapped in the ice. 224 00:35:01,660 --> 00:35:04,830 终于太阳晒薄了冰面 Eventually, the sun thins the ice, 225 00:35:05,750 --> 00:35:09,560 但是火烈鸟仍然需要努力冲破冰层 but it's still a struggle for the flamingos to break free. 226 00:35:30,870 --> 00:35:33,910 走在薄冰上总是危机四伏 Walking on thin ice is always risky. 227 00:35:45,550 --> 00:35:48,320 而且当你踩着高跷的时候 And it's hard to retain one's dignity... 228 00:35:49,730 --> 00:35:52,540 哪还顾得上体面和优雅 ...especially when you're wearing stilts. 229 00:36:05,920 --> 00:36:07,630 海拔如此之高 At these altitudes, 230 00:36:07,910 --> 00:36:13,670 太阳的热力很快从救星变成了威胁 the sun's power can quickly turn from salvation to threat. 231 00:36:19,960 --> 00:36:22,030 由于大气稀薄 The atmosphere is so thin, 232 00:36:22,300 --> 00:36:26,030 无法阻挡紫外线的辐射 there is very little protection from ultraviolet radiation. 233 00:36:27,650 --> 00:36:31,910 上午十点钟在开阔地带逗留就已经十分危险 By mid-morning, it's risky to linger out in the open. 234 00:36:35,190 --> 00:36:38,460 鼠兔被迫寻找阴凉处避暑 The viscacha are forced to head for the shade. 235 00:36:43,490 --> 00:36:47,090 而湖面上则无处可藏 Out on the lake, there is nowhere to hide. 236 00:36:53,450 --> 00:36:55,570 盐湖的白色盐层反射着 The white crust of the soda lake 237 00:36:55,570 --> 00:36:57,550 太阳的光芒 reflects the sun's glare 238 00:36:57,910 --> 00:37:01,580 增强了紫外线的杀伤力 and increases the impact of its ultraviolet rays. 239 00:37:06,700 --> 00:37:07,520 正午时分 By midday, 240 00:37:07,520 --> 00:37:11,270 裸露的人类肌肤四分钟内就会被晒伤 uncovered human skin will burn in four minutes. 241 00:37:17,350 --> 00:37:20,470 但这似乎无法妨碍到火烈鸟 But this doesn't seem to bother the flamingos. 242 00:37:21,270 --> 00:37:24,030 事实上 它们正在列队游行 In fact, they are on parade. 243 00:37:55,080 --> 00:37:56,750 在繁殖季节 During the breeding season, 244 00:37:56,750 --> 00:38:00,500 即便在一天中最热的时刻 the flamingos perform these peculiar courtship dances 245 00:38:00,510 --> 00:38:02,970 火烈鸟也在不停表演着奇异的求爱舞蹈 even through the hottest time of the day. 246 00:38:10,160 --> 00:38:13,850 他们求爱心切 甚至没时间停下来进食 They are so eager, they don't even pause to feed. 247 00:38:33,050 --> 00:38:35,450 尽管求爱规则让人摸不着头脑 The rules are something of a mystery 248 00:38:35,960 --> 00:38:37,620 但在跳了一个月之后 but, after a month of dancing, 249 00:38:37,620 --> 00:38:40,040 所有的鸟儿都配对成功 all the birds will have paired off 250 00:38:40,550 --> 00:38:42,720 并准备开始交配 and will be getting ready to mate. 251 00:38:48,990 --> 00:38:53,260 高山之上 很少有其他动物来打扰火烈鸟 Up here, there are few other creatures to bother the flamingos, 252 00:38:53,610 --> 00:38:55,420 从另一方面讲 也少有其他动物 but then, few other creatures 253 00:38:55,420 --> 00:38:58,480 能够忍受这样的生活条件 could even tolerate these conditions. 254 00:39:01,630 --> 00:39:04,720 对于耐力极佳的动物而言 So for animals that have the endurance, 255 00:39:05,120 --> 00:39:08,300 深山堪称生存的圣殿 mountains can be sanctuaries. 256 00:39:20,750 --> 00:39:24,090 那些在我们看来 But rocky peaks which to us, perhaps, 257 00:39:24,090 --> 00:39:26,370 似乎象征着永恒的岩石山峰 seem a symbol of permanence, 258 00:39:26,770 --> 00:39:29,200 其实要脆弱得多 are more fragile than they appear. 259 00:39:33,650 --> 00:39:35,500 如今在阿尔卑斯山 Today in the Alps, 260 00:39:35,700 --> 00:39:40,540 人类的侵犯甚至影响到顶峰的环境状况 human encroachment is changing even the highest summits. 261 00:39:54,270 --> 00:39:55,400 在落基山脉 In the Rockies, 262 00:39:55,400 --> 00:39:59,100 升高的气温缩短了冬眠的时间 rising temperatures are shortening winter hibernation 263 00:39:59,100 --> 00:40:02,560 也阻碍了食料植物的生长 and stifling the growth of valuable food plants. 264 00:40:08,650 --> 00:40:11,550 在安第斯山脉 一些冰川 And in the Andes, some glaciers 265 00:40:11,550 --> 00:40:16,380 在短短三十年内面积减少了百分之五十 have shrunk by 50% in just 30 years. 266 00:40:26,150 --> 00:40:28,990 如今 甚至连喜马拉雅山脉都变得十分脆弱 Even the Himalayas are now vulnerable. 267 00:40:33,010 --> 00:40:35,360 这里汇集着大多数世上最高的山峰 With most of the world's tallest peaks 268 00:40:35,370 --> 00:40:38,360 占地面积八十六万平方公里 and covering a third of a million square miles, 269 00:40:38,390 --> 00:40:41,740 是世界上最大的山脉 this is the greatest mountain range of all. 270 00:40:48,610 --> 00:40:50,980 而这里气温升高的速度 And here, temperatures are now rising 271 00:40:50,980 --> 00:40:53,420 快于全球平均水平 faster than the global average. 272 00:40:54,640 --> 00:40:59,070 雪线向山峰处退去 As the snow line retreats further and further up these peaks, 273 00:40:59,540 --> 00:41:02,710 野生动植物的生存空间日益减少 there is less and less space for wildlife, 274 00:41:03,230 --> 00:41:05,090 恶化的条件威胁着 and that is a challenge 275 00:41:05,090 --> 00:41:09,680 一种美丽山地动物的生存 for one of the most majestic of all mountain creatures. 276 00:41:28,650 --> 00:41:30,350 雪豹 The snow leopard. 277 00:41:34,380 --> 00:41:39,640 由于行踪隐蔽 雪豹的生活细节一直是个谜 Seldom seen, the detail of their lives has long been a mystery, 278 00:41:40,370 --> 00:41:45,420 但现在 借助最先进的远程摄像技术 but now, at last, helped by the latest remote-camera technology, 279 00:41:45,710 --> 00:41:49,430 我们终于能够近距离观察他们 we are getting closer to them than ever before. 280 00:41:54,300 --> 00:41:55,600 雪豹数量稀少 They are very rare, 281 00:41:55,600 --> 00:41:59,120 百平方公里内只有四只 only about four of them in 40 square miles. 282 00:42:00,690 --> 00:42:04,330 只是因为猎物数量不足以维系更多的生命 There is simply not enough prey to sustain more. 283 00:42:09,930 --> 00:42:12,720 雪豹是独居动物 They live solitary lives. 284 00:42:12,720 --> 00:42:15,420 尽管如此 他们仍能很好地掌握 Nonetheless, they are well aware of the presence 285 00:42:15,430 --> 00:42:17,560 邻居们的存在和动向 and the movements of their neighbours, 286 00:42:17,830 --> 00:42:21,990 因为他们会在几个特殊地点给对方留下信息 because they leave messages in a few special places. 287 00:42:24,920 --> 00:42:28,420 像这样用脸颊摩擦特定的岩石 They rub particular rocks with their cheeks 288 00:42:31,610 --> 00:42:34,410 再喷射上自己的尿液 and then spray them with urine. 289 00:42:37,060 --> 00:42:41,090 两种味道创造出了独一无二的签名 The two perfumes create a unique signature. 290 00:42:45,950 --> 00:42:47,770 尽管没有直接看到彼此 Any other leopard can know 291 00:42:47,850 --> 00:42:50,750 雪豹也能判断出 which of its neighbours passed this way, 292 00:42:50,960 --> 00:42:53,680 是哪位邻居曾经到此一游 without ever making direct contact. 293 00:42:56,720 --> 00:43:00,710 有些时候雪豹们必须聚到一起 But there are times when snow leopards must come together, 294 00:43:01,060 --> 00:43:04,090 而场面通常都很暴力 and the event is often violent. 295 00:43:16,850 --> 00:43:20,140 一只成年雌雪豹和她的女儿 An adult female and her daughter. 296 00:43:30,130 --> 00:43:34,700 雌雪豹花费了两年时间哺育幼崽 She has devoted the last two years to raising her cub 297 00:43:34,700 --> 00:43:37,510 很快 幼崽就要断奶了 and very soon, it will be weaned. 298 00:43:40,280 --> 00:43:44,780 目前 幼崽依旧完全依靠自己的母亲 For now, the cub is still entirely dependent on its mother. 299 00:43:50,500 --> 00:43:55,020 但这样长时间的共处会引发问题 But staying together as long as this could cause problems. 300 00:43:59,160 --> 00:44:01,290 雌雪豹此时又到了发情期 The female is now in heat again, 301 00:44:01,290 --> 00:44:04,970 雄雪豹只需闻到她的信号便会知晓 and any male that smells her signature will know that. 302 00:44:15,920 --> 00:44:20,080 从此刻起 雌雪豹幼崽的生命陷入了危机 From this moment on, her cub's life is at risk. 303 00:44:22,750 --> 00:44:25,940 雄雪豹会杀死非亲生的幼崽 Males kill cubs that are not their own. 304 00:44:31,270 --> 00:44:36,180 但雌雪豹此时正被体内无法控制的欲望驱使着 But the mother is now driven by an urge that she cannot control. 305 00:44:39,680 --> 00:44:43,050 她让雄雪豹知道了她的确切位置 She lets the males know exactly where she is. 306 00:44:56,920 --> 00:45:00,900 从这片高地 她的声音可以传遍方圆数公里 From up here, she can be heard for miles around. 307 00:45:20,450 --> 00:45:22,880 一只年轻雄雪豹在荒野中出现 A young male emerges from the wilderness, 308 00:45:23,140 --> 00:45:24,380 迫切地想要找到雌雪豹 eager to find her. 309 00:45:28,450 --> 00:45:31,220 雪豹们很少碰面 Snow leopards meet so infrequently 310 00:45:31,510 --> 00:45:34,560 以致整个场面充斥着不确定和紧张的气氛 that there is uncertainty and tension. 311 00:45:43,150 --> 00:45:45,160 然而更糟的还在后面 And it's about to get worse. 312 00:45:53,910 --> 00:45:57,030 另一只体型更为健壮的雄雪豹也来了 Another, bigger male has arrived. 313 00:46:06,240 --> 00:46:10,200 雌雪豹和幼崽被困在两个竞争对手之间 The mother and cub are trapped between the rivals. 314 00:46:15,380 --> 00:46:17,060 幼崽命在旦夕 The cub is now in danger. 315 00:46:17,060 --> 00:46:19,210 母亲必须尽快行动 Mother must act fast. 316 00:46:20,540 --> 00:46:23,300 为了转移雄雪豹对幼崽的注意力 To divert the males' attention from her cub, 317 00:46:23,300 --> 00:46:25,750 她顺从地滚动着身体 she rolls over submissively. 318 00:46:39,250 --> 00:46:41,310 雄雪豹的注意力都集中在了雌雪豹身上 With the males fixed on the female, 319 00:46:41,320 --> 00:46:43,820 幼崽得以借此机会脱身 the cub has a chance to escape. 320 00:46:50,620 --> 00:46:53,710 两只雄雪豹从两侧接近雌雪豹 The males close in on the mother from both sides, 321 00:46:53,790 --> 00:46:56,030 渴望将其占为己有 keen to claim her for their own. 322 00:47:00,770 --> 00:47:02,990 决斗在所难免 A fight is inevitable. 323 00:47:24,800 --> 00:47:28,440 雌雪豹试图逃跑并保护她的幼崽 The female moves to escape and protect her cub. 324 00:47:29,200 --> 00:47:31,080 但健硕的雄雪豹紧跟着她 But the big male follows her. 325 00:47:43,240 --> 00:47:47,770 在没有交配前 雄雪豹是不会放她走的 He will not let her leave until he has mated with her. 326 00:48:05,130 --> 00:48:10,930 雄雪豹走后 雌雪豹终于与幼崽重聚 With the males gone, the female is at last reunited with her cub. 327 00:48:14,120 --> 00:48:16,650 但她不幸受了伤 But she has been injured. 328 00:48:26,870 --> 00:48:30,990 多亏了她的妈妈 幼崽才能活下来 The cub, however, is alive, thanks to its mother. 329 00:48:41,050 --> 00:48:45,480 在雌雪豹伤口痊愈之前 她已无法捕猎 Until her injury heals, she won't be able to hunt. 330 00:48:48,190 --> 00:48:51,980 山地动物就这样挣扎在存活的边缘 Mountain animals survive on the very edge of existence. 331 00:48:55,470 --> 00:48:59,070 雌雪豹和幼崽从此消失不见 Mother and cub were not seen again. 332 00:49:07,520 --> 00:49:11,510 直到一个月后 在高高的山脊上 Until over a month later, high on a ridge, 333 00:49:11,530 --> 00:49:13,750 远程摄像机捕捉到了 a remote camera was triggered. 334 00:49:17,960 --> 00:49:19,700 雌雪豹的身影 The female cat. 335 00:49:19,840 --> 00:49:23,860 她已不再跛足而行 却形单影只 She's no longer limping, but she's now alone. 336 00:49:29,340 --> 00:49:32,860 雌雪豹离开后一个小时 Then, an hour after the female has left, 337 00:49:32,860 --> 00:49:35,200 摄像机再次启动 the camera is triggered again. 338 00:49:41,550 --> 00:49:43,140 是幼崽 It's her cub, 339 00:49:43,590 --> 00:49:48,510 开始了迈向成年和独立的第一步 taking her first steps towards adulthood and independence. 340 00:49:50,150 --> 00:49:53,640 幼崽大概很少有机会与母亲重逢了 She is unlikely to see her mother again. 341 00:49:53,690 --> 00:49:54,780 但不时地 But every now and then, 342 00:49:55,490 --> 00:49:59,330 他们会通过在岩石上留下的信息 they will be reunited through the messages they leave 343 00:49:59,550 --> 00:50:01,180 间接地团聚 on the marking rocks. 344 00:50:04,690 --> 00:50:08,060 幼崽虽被母亲成功养大 Her mother has succeeded in raising her, 345 00:50:08,400 --> 00:50:11,460 但前方的生存之路仍充满荆棘 but life ahead will be challenging, 346 00:50:11,710 --> 00:50:15,170 而她几乎全部要独自面对 and she will spend nearly all of it alone. 347 00:50:17,890 --> 00:50:20,800 只有最顽强的动物 Only the toughest can survive 348 00:50:20,800 --> 00:50:22,620 才能在世界最高屋脊上 among the savage beauty 349 00:50:22,630 --> 00:50:25,890 这片美丽的蛮夷之地存活 of the world's highest mountains. 350 00:50:33,410 --> 00:50:34,620 下一集 Next time... 351 00:50:34,990 --> 00:50:37,200 我们到世界各地探索丛林 we explore the world's jungles. 352 00:50:39,400 --> 00:50:43,900 地球上充满惊喜和创造力无与伦比的地方 Places of surprise and invention unrivalled on Earth... 353 00:50:45,470 --> 00:50:49,360 那里的生存之战最为激烈 ...where the battle for survival is at its most intense.